Chapter 3

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I ran downstairs,only to found a confused Mandy looking at me with wide eyes

"Wow!I'm impressed!I can see that you made a lot of progress.I thought we'll be late for an hour or even more"

I rolled my eyes at her words.

"And if you keep doing this,your eyes will fall soon"

"Can't help it,force of habitat!"I grinned"Plus it's impossible not to do it,while you're around"

"Whatever!Let's go".


Three hours later,I couldn't feel my feet anymore,yet Mandy didn't find the perfect dress for her night.

I watched her as she furrowed her eyebrows,trying to make a hard decision on picking one of the three dresses in front of her.

What a hard decision,huh?Especially when the three dresses looks almost alike!

typical Mandy.

"Need help?"I asked her

"Yeah plea- ,wait,whaaat? from you?Hell no!!"

I acted offended:"Ow,C'mon my fashion taste can't be that bad afterall!"

"Sure,i even love it.But when it comes about dresses..."

"I'm hurt!And by the way ,the dresses you're holding are all,blue,short,and no much difference!"I smirked while walking out of the shop,but only to come back on my heels within a second and shout at her from the door frame:"And in case you forgot -'cause you seem to-you're only going to One direction's concert and backstage,not on a date with them!"and that made a lot of girls in the shop,pop their head and glare at me in diblelief as if i just lost my mind.

Crap!What was wrong with beeing a sixteens years old girl,who's not head over heels for some creepy cocky boyband.

Though,that doesn't mean I dislike music or such.

But for a girl,I have a different taste.I mostly listen to stuffs like The script,All time low,Ed sheeran,The Maine...

At least that kind of music made sense.

I used to be like all these girls.Back in the days ,i was a fangirl!

I remember fancying on Harry styles.The Flirt.

I groaned at the memory.How silly it is to think you've got a crush on some celebrity.Bullshits! I used to watch their videos so often,evrytime i was on the edge of breaking.

These lads ,knew how to make me dream..

And this probably the main reason why  I hate them with every inch of my body,why i dislike them beyond everything.

I looked up,at the bunch of girls in front of me,they were gathered around a magazine,and their screamings pierced my ears.In just one day,my ears knew enough damage!

And of course you could guess,what was all this about

"Oh,damn it ,how sweet Hazza looks!I'll leave Louis to you!"

"Leave louis to me?Lou' is not made to be left"

"haha ,look at Niall ,he's killing me!"

Poor girls,I thought as i passed by them.How pathetic!They remembered me of Mandy.

Oh Holy crap,I absoluetly forgot about Mandy!Where the hell could she be?

As in answer to my question,she popped in front of me,just by magic"looking for me right?"

"No,that has to be the last of my worries"

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