Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I blinked as the bright morning sun hit my eyes mercilessly and tried to block It so I can see something.As I tried to get up from my bed,I felt my head throbbing..Here it is,the torturing headache again.Did I oversleep?No way.I never do.What happened last night?

It was then when It hit me just like an electric shock or a lightnening.

Harry and Louis were nowhere in sight.The worst thoughts filled my mind.What if Mandy found them?What If her and Harry did something...?Oh no!What If Louis tried to do something crazy and get them both hurt?What If Mandy kidnapped them and left the house?What If the papparazi found out about this?What If Mandy's face ,now,is all over the magazines with a subtitle saying:This Hot gangsta' ,ladies and gentelmen, is the one who kidnapped our lads!What If-Okey I'll stop here,maybe I'm just beeing over dramatic.Maybe none of this happened and will never do and there's an only way to be sure about it.

I carefully tiptoed towards the living room then towards her room.She wasn't there.Oh no!

"GOODMORNING LAZY !"Mandy's voice yelled ,making me practically jump a feet in the air.

"Oh you're here!"was my brilliant observation.

She laughed at my stupid words."Where else could I be dumby?"

Well somewhere...with two members of One direction ,who knows?

"I see that you're in a better mood today"I said instead.

"Yeah,the happy-go-lucky me is back,and One direction are ones to blame!"then she added"Well actually Louis and Harreeeh"

"WHAAAAT?" I screamed quickly covering my mouth.

"Chill , I only had a dream about them this morning,well It's kinda normal ,But it's just that it seemed to be so real...and so damn funny"

She paused for a moment,smiling stupidly.Typical fangirl.

"Go on"I said interrupting her daydream.

"Well I dreamt that I was asleep and then I heard some chuckles,and someone saying "Oh look!they bought Nandos". The other voice replied"Lou' I don't think It's a good idea,I mean It will sure make Nialler's day and make him forgive you,But I bet you the freak upstairs will kill us without a second doubt." Then I heard a smack and the first voice saying"First Niall forgave me long time for leaving his Nandos bag in the rain then eating it,secondly the girl upstairs is not a freak she's...just well...crazy?OH NO" he screamed"We still don't know her name!"The voice whined.I heard a loud laughter and the sound of footsteps approaching....then"Mandy was in hysterics and when she finally calmed down she said"Well I think this is the best and the funniest thing I ever saw in my life ,Harry freaking Styles only wearing a pair of girl's pink sweatpants and Louis Tomlinson in black one.They were smirking at me and...And OH MY GOD"mandy squealed,causing too much damage to my ears"Harry said to Louis:Man,she's beautiful,and this is what we call 'A girl',I wish you bumped into this one not that crazy freak upstairs!"

Mandy was finally done with her little story,and was giggling now.Me on the other hand...well to say I was shocked and offended was an understatement.I know I wished earlier to never see these lads again,but now I think I made up my mind and my new goal in this life is to find them and murder them not only once...If thats even possible.I am neither crazy nor a freak!And for godness sake I AM A GIRL!

If there's one thing running through my mind now,Its to find One direction...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2012 ⏰

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