Heyyyyy,You know what :( guys i have a very serious disease,infection or whatever,called Wattpad Addiction :P .But really i mean, these last days ,i stay awake till 3 or 4 Pm,reading some stories,and then in the morning i go to school looking like a zombie..
Anyways love ya
And for my own story i have no idea where it is going,i'm starting to think about giving up..I mean it's so "Ughhh" right :/ ? But im only writing,because Duuuuh,i LOVE writing.
And another thing,excuse me for my uncorrect sentences and all the mistakes, 'cause english is not my mother tongue.I started learning english just 4 years ago..so im trying to do my best and not the best ;)
Chapter 8
"ugh,right,What are we gonna do now" I groaned.
I really had no clue on how to help the two boys sitting on my bed and staring at me impatiently.
Wait!help them?Why would I? I don't even like them.
I feel so sleepy fo the moment and because of their bothering presence i cannot just lay on my bed and sleep peacefully .
I clenched my teeth together.Another major reason why i so despise them.
"I have a great idea!"Louis whispered enthustiaccly ,snapping me out of my thoughts .
Louis Tomlinson ,just had a great thought,well i better prepare myself for the worst...
What have i done to deserve this!?
"Which is .."I asked him suspiciously.
"Well,I don't how to say it,but here's the point,you have to....think in A LIAM WAAAAY!I mean imagine yourself liam,and think the way he does,then...problem solved!"
Calm down Cher
Don't throw this chair you're sitting on at him.
calm dowwwn.
I got up suddenly and made my way to my bed where they were sitting ,and took a pillow.
Then i bit it.
Both Harry and Louis looked at me ,confused looks on their faces
"What are you doing?"Harry asked
"Im trying my bessht to not punchhh,yar friendj,dickhead!" I replied still biting the pillow.
Louis narrowed his eyes at me and mouthed a What the hell to his friend.
"Okey!"I told them,finally pulling the pillow away"Guess,I don't have another choice.You'll sleep the night here,but tomorrow before 8am you have to leave the place ,or you'll be either kidnapped by friend or killed and shattered into pieces by me!"
"YaaaY"Louis exclaimed with joy"We're having a sleepover"
Seriously?Seems like he only heard that part..pff
"But with a girl"Harry mumbled
"Oh c'mon dude!"Louis elbowed him"You're the one who usually love girls..You should be all happy-go-lucky"
"But,she's not like the "girls",she's a total freak .."Harry whispered.
"Hey i heard that!"I hissed at him
"Who cares"
Oii,this boy never heard of manners,Did he?
I left my room,leaving the boys arguing in whispere,and headed to the bathroom,so i can change into my pyjama.A short,and a teeshirt
When i came back in my room i found Harry already in the bed with Louis laying beside him.
I covered my hand with my mouth stopping myself once agin from squealing at them.
It's then when i noticed ,Harry wearing only a pair of..bloody hell,Was that my pink sweatpants?and Louis in my black ones..

Out of touch..(One direction)
FanfictionLove at first sight?Again?Cher Cowell didnt have it easy.Being in a new school where you don't have real friends,or where you fall in love with some unknown senior class boy from your first day there,or when the only friend you have all what she tal...