Chapter 1: Life and Death

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~~~~~the myth/story ~~~~~
'A godess who was punished by her father was sent to the mortal world. Days past she figured her powers were drained. She thought if she hang herself she will be free. But no, she needed to be hanged by a man who truly loves her by heart.'

~~~~~Present day~~~~~

"Victor! Get your lazy ass up and walk the dog!"
This happens everyday to Victors' life. Being bossed around by his mother, doing chores and helping in the house. Since it was the victorian era, there are no cars and vehicles to help im transportation.
"Yes mother."  he got up and fixed his hair then went down to get the dog. "C'mon boy, lets go. We dong want mother to scold at is again do you?"
The dog replied by wiggling his tail. Victor placed the leash on the dogs head and walk towards the forest. While walking, Victor tripped and let go of the leash. Which resulted for the dog to run, he got up and chased the dog. The dog slowed down and Victor got the leash before the dog runs of again. "Dont do that Hugo. I dont want to lose you or else mother will kill me." Hugo looked at Victor confused "I mean, not the literally but, you know.... Ugh you wont understand." Victor looked around to see his surroundings. They were in a middle of a gloomy meadow, with a tree. Which looked quite old, it can colapse at any moment. But the tree looked sketchy. There was a end of a rope stiching out in one of the trunks. "What is this?" Victore asked himself. He followed where the rope leads to and it led him to the other side of the tree. He sees a hanging rope, realisation hits him. He was in the hanging tree, where a girl commited suicide. He heard the story before.

~~~~~9 years after the insident~~~~~

'There was a story about a girl. A girl who tried to take her own life. Until her said fiance saved her from the tragedy. Weeks later the town police found the same girl hanged in the middle of the meadow. They tried contacting her fiance but soon realised they were tricked. They studied her left hand, and found nothing except her bracelett. The officers are now tracking down her killer, but no luck.'

~~~~~present day~~~~~

"This is the hanging tree." he stared at the rope to what seems like ages.
"Do you come in this parts of town often?" some one asked. "Who's there." asked Victor. "Why havent you heard my name? For I am Victoria
the one who died in this very tree. The folks that called 'the hanging tree'" the young lady who seem to be the same as Victor was talking to him.  The girl who thought commited suicide, was infront of him.
"Your Victoria? The one that hanged herself in this tree?" "Oh please! I didnt hang myself! I was killed! I died because I was stupid to see what was coming!" Victor was suprised at how she replied. "*cough* As I was saying. I never took my own life." "Bu-but the s-story--" he was cut of "What story? Please tell me young man." Victoria pleaded "The story where you hang your own life." "I never hang myself. But I heard a story which caused me to wish I felt what is like to be dead. But being death for over a century is tiring." Victor was shocked. She was dead for over a century.  "Wait, do you mean the story of life and death?" he was aware of that story. "Yes. Through out the century that I've been dead. The story changed. But, let me tell you that the story was once real. Until I died. They replaced Life to me and Death to my fiance. My killer." that got Victors' tounge. "What are you doing here. The dead dont belong here." "Dont play games on me Life. You killed me! So that you can be the centre of attention! I thought you loved me?!?" Victor was shocked. Victoria thought Victor was Life. "I am not Life." he said calmly. "You must be! You look like Life!" she said. "I am not Life!" Victor was furious because he was being accused by Victoria or should I say.... Death.


Life followed Death to her room where Death was supposed to get her cloak. Once Life was inside she touched her sister. You see, the two arent aloud to be near or to touch each other. Or else they die. One Life touched his sister. She was smoking "How could you! Your a monster!" "Its for your own good." Life just stood there, watching his sister burn to death. Death soon became victoria. She tried taking her life away so she can go back to being death... The godess of the underworld... But as soon as she was dead... Her spirit just roamed in the overworld.... She cant get back.... Thats when she realised that she needed help... But when she heard that town folks telling stories about her... She became happy... For once she became the centre of attention. (If you didnt get this flash back heres the summary :
Life made Death live.... Because how can death die if shes dead.... Once dead she became Victoria in the overworld. She tried taking her life away but she never came back to being death. So she needed eduard to help her get back. She needs to be killed by a person who loves her. But eduard didnt, he only married her for the riches and gold. Once she was dead she though she was back... She thought eduard killed her properly... But he hanged her and made it looked like a suicide. Now she has a mission to make a human love her and kill her. So that she can go back to the underworld. Also she has parents who didnt know her past. She blended in perfectly. Now her foster parents are hosting a ball for her birthday. She will invite victor so he can like her if she has a chance. Shes praying for him to develope feelings for her by the end of the month. So on so forth. Ps: there will be a summary on each chapter for you to understand the story. 😄 i know its a crappy story but meh oh yeah and Eduard isnt married to her. He only said they were engaged but no...! Now she cursed his house and family.)

~~~~~back to the story~~~~~

"Then prove that you are not my brother. If you've proven that your not Life, i will spare you but if you are. Bad things will happen."

Ω The Hanging Tree Series  : Victorian Era || Cursed || Book One ΩWhere stories live. Discover now