Chapter 8

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I don't know what's going on. I still feel drawn to Jack, but I'm feeling a stronger pull to someone else, but I don't know who. I decided to call Jack and talk to him. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey, can you meet me at the park in five minutes? I need to talk to you." He agreed and hung up.

I walked to my closet and got dressed. I put on jean shirts, a yellow crop top, and my white vans. I walked downstairs. "Mom, I'm leaving. I'll be back soon!" I shouted and walked out.

I arrived at the park and walked up to Jack. He looked concerned. "Is everything alright?" he asked. "Yea. I just need to discuss something with you." He sighed. "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" I nodded. "I'm sorry, I just-" He cut me off. "Don't apologize. It's fine. I kinda saw this coming. I feel the same way." I looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean by 'I feel the same way'?" He looked at me. "I feel drawn to you, Lauren, I truly do, but I also feel drawn towards someone else I don't know who, but whoever it is, the pull is stronger than my one to you."

"How did you know that was what's happening to me?" I asked him. "I can it in the way you look at Camila. You love her. I can tell because it's the same way my parents look at each other." I looked down. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He shook his head. "I told you it's fine. Now we can find who we're drawn to. Although you already know yours."

"What makes you think I'm drawn to Camila?" He looked at me. "Have you seen the way you are around her? Your face lights up, you seem happier, and your smile is huge."

I hugged him. "Thank you for understanding." He nodded. "No problem. We're still friends, right?" I nodded. "Of course we are." He smiled. "Goodnight, Lauren." and he walked off.


Camila called me and asked me to meet her at the park. I wonder why. I put on ripped jeans, a black 'The Killers' shirt, and a blue beanie. I got into my car and drove to the park. I got out of my car and walked up to her. "Hey what's up?" I asked her. She looked down. "There's no easy way to say this Fred. I like you, I really do, I just-" I curt her off. "Don't do this. If you're going to break up with me, just get it over with. I'm used to it by now." She sighed. "It's just- I feel like I'm being drawn to someone else." I sighed and nodded. "I can't say I'm completely surprised." She looked up. "What?"

"I've always known I wouldn't be able to keep you forever. Your heart belongs to 'someone else' and that 'someone else' is Lauren." She looked surprised. "What? Lauren? She's my best friend." I looked at her. "Really? The look you give her begs to differ." She shook her head. "No. I don't like Lauren like that." I nodded my head. "Yes, you do. I know because you look at her the same way I looked at Jack all through Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior year."

She sighed. "Can we still be friends?" I nodded. "Of course we can, Mila. We'll always will be friends." She smiled and hugged me. "Goodnight, Kota." I smiled. "Goodnight Mila." and I walked back to my car, got in, and drove home.

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