Chapter 12

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We pulled up to the park near our houses. Lauren handed me a blind fold. "Here. Put this one." I sighed. "LoLo, you know I hate surprises." She giggled and nodded. "Yep. Now put it on or we're not going."

I put it on and she got out of the car. She came around to my side and helped me out. "Don't take it off until I say so." I nodded. "Ok. Ok. Let's go already." She chuckled. "You are so impatient."

After a couple of minutes we stopped walking. "Ok. You can take off your blindfold now." I pulled it off and was shocked by what was in front of me. She had set up a moonlight picnic. There was a big blanket, a big basket probably stuffed with food, and candles that were lit.

"Wow. LoLo this is incredible." She looked relieved. "Good you like it. I wasn't sure if you would." I shook my head. "How could I not? It's perfect." She sat down.

"C'mon Camz we only have a little bit, we're going somewhere else after this." I sat down next to her. She reached into the basket and pulled out two sandwiches and two juice boxes. "Oh! Juice boxes!" I got excited. "Yes Camz I brought juice boxes. Just eat."

After we finished, we ran back to her car. "Where to next?" I asked. "It's a surprise." she winked. "Another surprise? LoLo." I whined. "Oh hush. You'll love it." I sighed.

A few moments later we pulled up to the beach. "The beach? I love the beach!" She smiled. "Told you you'd love it." I stuck my tongue out at her. "Let's go Camz. The beach is empty. It's all ours." We ran onto the sand and pulled our shoes off. We ran around and chased each other.

I was running from Lauren, but she caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. We lied next to each other. We stared at each other for a couple moments and then she started leaning in. 'Uh oh. I've never kissed anyone before. Here goes nothing.' I thought to myself.

She slowly, but surely, presses her lips against mine and kissed me. I kissed back moving my lips in sync with hers. We pulled away. "Wow." was all I could say. "Camz I thought you said you haven't had your first kiss yet." I nodded. "I haven't until just now."

"Wow. You're an amazing kisser, especially for that being your first kiss." I blushed. "So you never kissed Fred?" she asked. "Nope. He hasn't had his first kiss either. I think he was more nervous about that than I was."

She giggled and stood up. "C'mon we gotta get back soon. I promised I'd have you home by 11:00." I asked her, "What time is it now?" She looked at her phone. "10:50." I looked up. "Crap! We gotta go." We ran to her car and got in. "Drive!" She turned the car on. "I'm going." She backed up, peeled out, and sped back to my house.

We arrived right at 11:00. "Wow. That was close." I said. I got out of her car and Lauren walked me to my door. "I had a great time tonight." I told her. "Me too. We should do it again sometime." I chuckled. "Goodnight LoLo. I'll see you tomorrow." She hugged me and kissed me one last time. "Night Camz. See you tomorrow." I walked inside with a huge smile on my face and ran upstairs to room, happier than ever.


After the movie Jack and I went out to dinner. It wasn't anything special. We stopped at Ruby Tuesday's. I couldn't stop looking at him. Somehow he managed to pull off the 'khakis with a normal shirt' look off and it's not fair. I have to try to look good. I'm wearing blue jeans, a red and white VANS long sleeve shirt, and my New York Yankees Snap Back.

We walked inside and sat down. "So what'd you think of the movie?" Jack asked. "Um. It was good." I was guessing. I couldn't concentrate on the movie. I was to nervous about this date and how good looking Jack is. "Really? I'm surprised. I thought you would've disliked it."

"Oh yea? Whys that?" I questioned. "Cause you hate RomCom's." I shrugged. "Fair enough." He shook his head. "You didn't pay attention did you?" he asked. "What makes you say that?"

The waitress came over and took our drink orders. After he left, Jack answered me. "I could see and feel you staring at me the entire time and you seemed distracted." I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous about this." He tilted his head. "Why? It's not like you haven't dated before." I nodded. "I know, bit I've never dated YOU before and you make me nervous for some reason."

He laughed. "It's cause I'm irresistible." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever." The waitress cam back and took our orders. After I ordered, she winked at me. I looked at Jack nervously because I know how jealous he can get and how quickly too.

He was glaring at her. "I'll have the House Salad with I side of Don't Wink At My Boyfriend." he said sweetly. I covered my mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. She nodded quickly and hurried off and Jack turned to me. "Nice one Jay. Real smooth." I laughed at him. He pouted. "Don't do that." I said. "Do what?"

"Don't pout. It makes me want to kiss you." He tilted his head. "So why don't you?" I looked down. "I've never kissed anyone before." He looked surprised. "Not even Mila?" I shook my head. "Only ever on the cheek. I did want to, but I always got nervous and it felt like it wasn't right. Like my first kiss should be with someone else."

He smiled at me. "Well, we're going to change the whole 'never kissed anyone before' thing before the night is over." Our food arrived, we ate, paid, and left.

When we got back to my house (since it was closer) we stopped on my front porch. "Thanks for walking me home. Although, I wanted to walk you home." I pouted. "Hey. If I can't pout you can't pout. It makes me want to kiss you." He mocked me. "So why don't you?" I mocked him right back. Suddenly he moved forward, grabbed me and kissed me square on the lips. I was surprised, but recovered and kissed him back.

"Wow. That was one heck of a first kiss." I said when we had pulled away. "If that was your first kiss, it can't get better. That was amazing." Jack said. I opened my door. "I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsal." I said. "Rehearsal? Oh, yea! I forgot about that." I laughed at him. "Goodnight Jay." I kissed him again. "Goodnight Kota." he said and walked back home whistling. 'BEST. DATE. EVER.' I thought as I went upstairs to bed.

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