act three

953 48 20

MCAT – Medical College Admission Test


His bag dropped on the floor when JiHyuk called him over.

'Little bro! C'mere.'

Hoseok sighed, brushing his hair with his hands and kicked his shoes near to his bag.

'I have a night shift, hyung.' he said. 'What do you want?'

'Ah, it won't take long. Just come here, I have something for you.'

He scooted closer, finding his hyung sitting on the dining table where he announced his marriage last week and Hoseok had no desire to know anything regarding that topic.

There was a small smile playing on JiHyuk's face. He's planning something, perhaps, inside that twisted god forbidden mind and Hoseok twitched a little under the gaze, feeling like he was at fault for something he didn't do. It's what his family do best– intimidate, and perhaps JiHyuk had been around his father too much, for now he inherited that look on his face. That look Hoseok hated the most.

'Sit, brother.'

Hoseok obeyed wordlessly. Even his brother started to sound like the bastard.

'You know I'm getting married soon.' JiHyuk started slowly. 'And I'll be away from our family to start a new one with Eunji–'

There was a brief pause, and for a second Hoseok thought he could see a conflicted face of his brother, but it disappeared faster than it came.

'And like I said, I have something for you.' his brother shuffled a little, before pulling out a gift by his side. 'As a token of brotherhood that'll soon fade.'

The trace of comments on his tongue about a brotherhood left him as Hoseok eyed the gift with curious eyes. It was wrapped messily, his brother must've did it all by himself and although there was an odious wall between them– thickened as they grew up– something warm and fuzzy managed to made itself known between the barriers of Hoseok's self-defense.

'Don't just stare at it.' somehow his brother's tone was gentle. Hoseok eyed him quizzically. 'Open it.'

Two layers of gift paper were unraveled by the tip of his fingers, and Hoseok held back a gasp.

'Hyung,' he breathed. 'This is– you– me–'

'Yep. For you.'

In front of him was a set of books. Books that Hoseok had been holding himself not to buy. Books that his parents gave a disapproving look; that contained his dreams. His whole being elated just by the thought of having it, having his own target on the grasp of his chained hands.

Sitting nicely on the table was the complete set of Art History documentaries, and Hoseok didn't know what to feel.

'Hyung, these are expensive...' he murmured, running his hands along the cover of each books. 'Aren't they worth your five months' salary?'

'It's whatever.' JiHyuk laughed, ruffling his hair. 'I'm getting married to an heiress, remember?'

'You don't love her.'

It wasn't a question, rather like a statement but somehow there were lines that Hoseok knew he crossed, because his brother turned mute almost instantly.

'Noona said–'


'Yes hyung.'

'I'm giving you these books not for you to question any of my personal matters.' JiHyuk said sternly. 'I know I haven't been around and be a good brother, but let me be. For once.'

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