Ticci Toby X Reader

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You worked in a coffee shop and was done with your shift for today. It was Friday which means there's more customers than the other days. You were just glad it was over and you could go home now and relax. Before you locked and closed the shop ringed the bell by the door. " I'm sorry sir, but we're closed" You said and smiled wile turning to the person. " Aww... What a s-shame."
The man said and took off his googles.

You his tics and also him bleeding from his torso, " Oh God, what happened?!" You rushed to his side. " It's j-just a bullet shot... I can handle that" He said but was weakening. " I'll call an ambulance right away" You took your phone and was about to call but he stopped you. " It's okay... The bullet h-have been taken out, now is it j-just the wound. Besides... I can't feel the pain" He gave a small chuckle but you were dead serious." Sit there and wait until I come back" You got him to sit on a chair and then quickly headed to get the medical box. Before you got the job in this cafe, did you get some lessons that could help saving life.

You took off his hoodie and t-short to get a look of the wound and how bad it was. It wasn't that bad, " Hope you are right with not feeling pain... " Said you and started to clean it up. " What's your name anyways? And who did this to you. Should I call the police?" You asked. " My name is T-Toby Rogers ... Some calls me Ticci Toby though. Well... A m-man tried to defend himself when I--" He stopped talking and looked down. " When I tried to k-kill him..." He said and looked away. You was in shock, ' He's a murderer... But, I gotta help' You started to panic a little. " What happened to him then?" You asked and wrapped him up in bandages... Trying to stay calm. 

He started to laugh a little like a psycho, " I killed him of course!" He said. You were done wrapping the wound up. Toby started to freak you more out, so you backed a little away, " You gonna kill me now?" You asked and looked at his every move. Toby stopped laughing, " sigh, of course not. I actually had hoped we could met someday---" " [Y/N]... My name is [Y/N]" You said and gave him a small smile. He had still his mouth guard on, " Why do you have a mouth guard on? Is it to hide your identity? Sorry for asking" You asked.

He didn't look surprised by that question, " Instead of telling... C-can I show you why" He took off his mouth guard. It surprised you seeing the damage near his mouth, " Oh... " You said and felt a little guilty.

" It's okay... Th-hanks for the help [Y/N]..." He said and started to get up. You looked out of the window and saw it was completely dark. " What's wrong?" Toby asked. " You aren't afraid of the dark are you? Or is it because it's so late?" You just nodded to both of his questions. " I'll follow you home then... I owe you one anyways" He chuckled. You lighten up, " Thanks" You said and walked with him. You locked the shop behind you.

[Time skip after the walk]

You guys arrived at your house, " Thank you so much Toby" You said and smiled. Toby suddenly hugged you, " Will we ever see each other again?" He questioned. You hugged back and blushed, " Probably... Now you know where I live and work." You said and giggled. " Goodnight [Y/N]" He said and waved goodbye. You opened quick your door and turned around to waved back, but he was gone by then. " Goodbye... Toby" You just whispered and closed the door.

[Done... Tried to update this one or somethin'. Hope you enjoyed bye! QwQ]

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