Chapter 1

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My alarm rang just as usual as I groaned not wanting to get up

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My alarm rang just as usual as I groaned not wanting to get up. My arm tiredly slithered from underneath my pillow, dragging itself slowly towards my bed stand trying to turn off the alarm. When I couldn't reach the off button my hands started slamming desperately to turn it off. However, I slammed a little too hard that I cracked my alarm in half. I lifted my head up to see if I really did break it and I did. I groaned. That was the third alarm this month.

I know what you're all thinking.

"Oh my god she's a meta" ahah no. Good guess though. I mean ever since that particle accelerator exploded there has been this new species that have evolved that are running around freely.

Anyway, I am not a Meta-human, and I'm not a human either. My kind is the kind you would hear in Ancient Greek mythology classes and wonder for yourself if I really existed. Well I do.
My name is Kalliope Coral. I'm an amazon. For those who drifted off in that class and don't know what an "amazon" is, let me brief you.

An Amazon is an immortal warrior trained from birth to fight and give our lives in the name of war. We usually get sculpted from clay but in the case of my cousin and I we didn't. I was born to the god of the sea, Poseidon (yes he exist and he's not the best father) and Antiope, one of the best war generals the amazons could ever have. This makes me a demi-goddess and one of the two amazons that are stronger than a whole army combined. (My cousin Diana being the first)

So now that you know my background-ish,you'll understand why I break alarms clock.

I groaned once more before getting up and doing my morning routine. I put on my robe and satin house sandals, while I walked to the kitchen to cook me some breakfast and some coffee. I showered after putting my pitch black, curled hair in a bun with some curls hanging out. Then I put on my black dress pants a black blouse with a matching blazer and some red bottom Louis Vuitton's.  I grabbed my I.D, and my essentials leaving my apartment and going straight to work. I was working in the FBI until that whole Meta-Humans thing happened and then I got transferred to Special Forces team where we capture the evil Metas.

I got into work at my desk to start my research on this meta I was assigned, when my boss, Henry, called the team in for an emergency meeting.

"What now?" Groaned one of my co-workers. The room was pretty chilly and big for a squad of four highly trained agents with me being the only girl.

"Alright listen up, about 2:30Am last night surveillances caught a what appears to be a meta breaking into this warehouse" he showed us a clip that an outside camera had captured. It all happened in a split second that all we saw was the fire that was left.

"Did you see it?" Henry stopped and replayed it but in slow motion. There appeared to be a man looking at the closed door and then his arms illuminated with fire destroying the door.

"Based on the power of this meta, I'm ranking him a M5, and I'm sending Macovy and Henderson to Central City tomorrow morning. The rest of you will stay here in Star City. Dismissed."
I looked around confused as the rest of them got up and went back to work.

"Wait Henry, we're dealing with a meta that has fire shouldn't the whole team be involved?" He was putting away the file.

"It's just one meta Kallie. They can handle it." He tried walking away but I wouldn't let him.

"But sir, I deserve to go. I'm more trained than this whole squad put together, you know this. And- and they can get hurt sir-" he cut me off.

"Putting down the whole team because you're better trained doesn't mean anything. Whether you like it or not you're staying here." I am not an arrogant person, never was. I just don't like seeing people getting hurt which is why I always want to take the big jobs. I sighed as I walked back to my desk with my chin in my hand thinking of what I was going to do to help. Then it clicked.

You can get fired for this

I thought to myself. Yet again I'm an old goddess that can win any history game show because I lived through it, so that's always a backup.
But whatever it was, I was leaving to central city tonight.

~Don't forget to favorite and comment! It really inspires me to keep it going💕~

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