My Heart, My Liege

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Prompt: R & R Connection

Requested by: Lilyheart8

3rd Person POV

Ryan fixed his crown as he strolled down the cobblestone road. He smiled at all the men and women in his kingdom. A small girl with blonde hair ran up to him.

"King Ryan!" She squealed happily.

He knelt in front of her, "Hello little one. How are you today?" She shuffled her feet cutely and pressed a bright red rose into his hands.

"This is for you and Prince Ray's wedding." She giggled and skipped off past him. He stood up fixing the white furs draped around him. He laughed looking down at the crimson flower.

"2 more days." He thought. Back at the castle Ray stood in front of a golden mirror in his and Ryan's room brushing the short black hair he possessed. He was fretting over his wedding that dwelled frighteningly close. He and King Ryan had been in a "relationship" for 7 months when the King had taken him for a walk in the gardens and knelt before him with a smile and the thin golden band with a small rose engraved that lay on Ray's finger now. They had come to the terms that their love not need be secret. Ryan had called a kingdom meeting and confessed. He held their interlocked hands high in the air smiling. The kingdom loved their king so much they were overjoyed he had found a mate dismissing the fact that it was a male. There was the few who were extremely displeased with the King's homosexual disposition. A group of men and women against the marriage attempted to poison him with a glass of wine but a loyal servant by the name of Gavin took it from the King's hands smelling the wisps of death (A/N: Sad nose joke) and drank it himself. Within seconds the poor boy lay lifeless on the courtyard floor. His mate of secret, a brave warrior named Michael broke the line of service and knelt by his body weeping. Gavin was given the highest honor in the kingdom and Michael when he fought for the kingdom he fought for the burning passion of Gavin. A beautiful funeral was given for the dedicated young man and the perpetrators were given to his infuriated fiancé. On the day of the wedding, both Ryan and Ray were fitted with handsome tuxes. Ryan's a smooth night black and Ray's a ruby satin. Ryan stepped to his fiancé and fixed a white rose to the front of the garment.

"I love you." Ray smiled and placed a kiss on Ryan's lips.

"I love you too."

~Some Time Later~

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. Long Live Our Kings!" The pastor called.

"LONG LIVE OUR KINGS!" The people of the kingdom chanted tossing flowers and gold onto the two men. 

Ryan snaked his hands around Ray's waist, "Long live our kings." His whispered with looming eyes and he swept Ray away for a night like no other.

The End.

(A/N: I laughed the entire time I wrote the ending XD)

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