Beautiful. { Part 1 }

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"Good Morning Beautiful."

Seeing what was sent to me warmed my heart. Chresanto sent it to me. He is such a sweet guy, wouldn't trade him for anything. The best friend a girl could have. Now I know I said 'best friend', Chresanto is very .. shy. It's all because he doesn't know how to show his feelings for me.

After my brief moment of thought, I got dressed for school. My last year, going out with a bang. Getting dressed was complete, now for food. I run downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple, my keys, and my bag while heading out the door. I open my door to be face to face with my best friend.

"Hey Beautiful." he greeted me.

"Haha. Good Morning Lorenzo. Ready to go?" Like I had to ask, he extended his arm wide enough for my arm to fit. We linked hands and strolled out the house to my car. I tossed him my keys, since he loves to drive.

And we are off.


After school Chresanto dropped me off, and walked across the street to his home. I walked inside the house and went straight to my room. I tossed my bag to the side and flopped on my bed. Slowly nodding off to a peaceful slumber.

Chresanto POV.

Walking across the street, unlocking my door but looking over my shoulder watching YN. Making sure she got in safely. God forbid anything happens to her. I would lose it. I love YN with everything in me, but every time I get close to tell her

I choke.

Then I get all shy. I hate that, always acting like a little girl. Soon I will be able to tell her.


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