Chapter Nine

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Takara is sitting on the floor in the master's bedroom with her silver comb that Akura-ou has given her. She is lost in thought while Akura-ou is getting ready to leave her to invade a village.

"Do you have to go?" She asked in a whisper.

Akura-ou sighed and kneeled down to be eye-leveled with her. "I will be right back, I promise, princess."

"Okay..." Her voice trailed.

Akura-ou finished getting ready and he went to leave until...

"I love you," she confessed.

Akura-ou froze in place but he felt himself smirking. He couldn't believe she had said those three little words...

"I love you too, princess. I'll be home soon," he stated.

Takara placed the comb above her heart and watched him go. She wished he would stop this madness yet she knows it's all wishful thinking.


The sun is almost setting and Akura-ou has never came back yet from invading the village. Takara couldn't help but worry for the demon king until she heard screaming and shouting coming from downstairs.

She didn't know what was going on until an angry mob of villagers came in the master's room with pitchforks, knives, and torches in their grasps.

"There's the mate of the demon king!" One villager shouted.

"KILL HER!" Another ordered.

Takara went to run but there're too many of them. They began to beat and stab the poor girl. Takara screamed Akura-ou's name over and over again until she saw darkness.

Takara didn't realize that this morning was the last time she would ever see the great Akura-ou again...


Akura-ou and his army came back into the mansion but he frowned when the place is a wreck he also can sense Takara's blood from upstairs and he immediately ran up to see her lying on the ground.

His body trembled as he carefully kneeled down and picked her up in his arms.

"TAKARA?! TAKARA!" He shouted her name over and over again.

She had a frown on her face and her eyes are closed shut. Her blood stained her kimono and there are cuts and bruises everywhere.

Akura-ou didn't even think that anyone would dare come to his mansion to harm her yet he was wrong...

He felt guilty and saddened that the only person he cared for is dead. Tears began to fall down his cheeks as he held her close, cursing himself for leaving her for dead.

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