~Chapter 13~

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~Erza's Pov~ 

My eye sight and other senses came back to me as Natsu and Gray were getting on their feet both looking badly in pain, both bleeding as I myself was bleeding. "Wendy, Lucy" Natsu spoke worried looking around as Happy flew out the temple smiling. "Lushie and Wendy are ok inside, they saved you guys" Happy spoke as Natsu sighed in relief as Gray agreed with Happy informing us what he watched. Natsu still a worried look on him hearing Lucy was bleeding the last Gray saw her. Soon the ground was shaking as the walls of the temple collapsed.

All our eyes widen as we shouted Lucy's, Wendy's and Carla's names rushing to the temple to see the entrance was blocked up. Natsu's worry doubled. He was grabbing the walls trying to drag them out the way as we all soon joined. "Lucy used the fucking shield the temple was too weak to use it!" Natsu spoke in full fear as I got digging tools to show in my hands as I was soon getting passing them to the boys. "Lushie had no choice but to use before checking she and Wendy was gonna die if she didn't" Happy spoke.

That didn't help Natsu at all. He was worse than ever pushing himself when he needed rest and healing. We all did but that didn't stop any of us from pushing ourselves for the others. "I can sense she is alive but she needs us, something is badly wrong" Natsu soon spoke as I then remember Natsu had a link spell to Lucy for when she needed him. If she was in trouble so was the others. I was badly worried about all of them. "Boys move" I spoke summoning a staff into my hands getting the three boys to move out the way.

"This will be faster but will take time still, so all of you keep calm heads they don't need us to be worried or panicked" I spoke sending blast at the rubble in front of us I had to somehow keep Natsu calm while keeping my own magic up. This wasn't going to be easy.

~Meanwhile, Lucy's Pov~ 

Carla looked toward me her eyes widen. "I was able to push Wendy out the way when we fell" I spoke in pain as Carla was looking toward Wendy trying to wake her up. After around another ten or so minuets Wendy was waking up as Carla came over informing me she was unable to use her wings. "I used weak healing magic on the two of you fine" I mumbled in thought as Wendy saw me shout my name worried rushing to my side as she was trying to use her magic. I was in shock to see she was unable to.

"We are in the deep tunnels under the temple only Angels should be able to get down here, it is filled with traps and all sorts" I informed them as Wendy and Carla were trying to push the rubble off me. They got most of it off but was tired afterwards as I was unable to move my leg at all. I was losing all feeling of it. There was still some rubble over it, being heavier than the others. "T-the others will get here I'm certain of it" Wendy spoke in fear her eyes watering as I asked her to come sit next to me.

She listened as I put my hand on her cheek. "Do not blame yourself this was my doing I was meant to check if the temple was stable and don't be scared the others will get here, I know they will" I spoke as Wendy nodded wiping her eyes as I moved my hand. "Plus in some more minuets I will be able to get rid of this rubble" I spoke trying to not let off how much pain I was in. The ground would shake once and awhile as I had a feeling all of this could of released the guardian of the temple in the tunnels we are trapped in.

"Wendy you need to be on lookout, we might not be alone down here" I spoke as Wendy looking around her eyes landing on a entrance through the wall as Carla moved over putting her paw on Wendy's hand. "Everything will be alright child" Carla spoke as Wendy nodded still looking scared as I lifted my hand into the air. "Taurus come to my aid" I spoke my seal showing up not far from me and Wendy as I smiled. I just had enough to summon him for a small bit. Wendy was watching with a small amazed look as my spirit Taurus showed up.

"Mioos Lucy let me free you right away" Taurus the half man, half cow spirit spoke moving fast using his super strength to move the rubble off my legs freeing as I was able to feeling the pain in my leg as I felt the blood rushing to it. "Thank you Taurus" I spoke as we heard a loud roar come from the opening in the wall. The guardian. Taurus pulled his giant war axe from the holster on his back moving to be the guard of me, Wendy and Carla. "It will be after Wendy and Carla, Taurus guard them" I spoke using the rocks on the wall to push myself onto my feet.

My leg hating me in process. "Lucy you need healing don't push yourself" Wendy nearly shouted while Carla asked what I meant crossing her arms. "The Angel Guardian has woken up from the shaking and temple giving way, it will be pissed off and sensing a none Angel in the tunnels will make if filled with bloodlust" I explained as a giant half lion, half man hybrid came out the tunnel as Taurus gripped on his axe. "You girls need to get pass us when we battle head North" Taurus spoke as Wendy came over to my side.

"I ain't leaving you to get hurt Taurus" I spoke worried as the two hybrids ran at each other, clashing. Wendy helped me walk as Carla stayed close as we was at the entrance way. "WENDY" I shouted pushing her to the ground about to get hit by the guardian until Taurus blocked the hit for me. "Enchantment strength" I whispered as my seal was under Taurus helping him push back the guardian as Wendy got up as I told her to run ahead and be careful. Wendy was worried but Carla got her to listen to me.

"Moooos Lucy go" Taurus spoke as I hated to leave him but I wasn't in any shape to fight. I followed far behind Wendy moving as fast as I could as my leg was still bleeding. I couldn't stop and heal it just yet. I had to get a good distance between myself and the guardian. 

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