Chapter Eleven

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"You know what I think?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at Emmy as he slowed the car to a stop at the traffic lights. The Night had arrived, capital T, capital N. The night that Harry was to introduce Emmy to his grandparents. All week he'd been dreading it, not because it particularly mattered to him what they thought of her – he was marrying her after all, thanks to them – but because he was worried how welcoming they might be. He'd seen them fall in love with Kate, then be unbearably family-like towards her. He knew they'd do everything in their power to make Emmy feel welcome, and he didn't want to overwhelm her. She was young, she was small, and he'd come to worry about how all of this would affect her.

He'd seen what it had all done to his mother, being thrown into this life at such a young age. He didn't want to see Emmy go down the same route.

"What do you think?" he asked dryly.

"I think that your grandmother owes me a lot."

He barked a laugh. "You don't say," he said.

"I mean it," she said. "I mean, she's basically making me marry her grandson."

"What's wrong with her grandson?!" he asked, outraged.

"Have you seen him?"

"I happen to think he's very handsome."

She rolled her eyes as she fought a smile. "Of course you do."

"Come on," he said, as the lights turned green and he sped off down the road. "Admit it. You could've got much worse."

"Fine," she said, turning amused eyes to him. "I could've got much worse."

"You could've got William," Harry said in agreement.

"Kate said her and William are going to be there," she said, hinting at a question.

"Hmm. Them, George, Pa, Camilla, Gran and Grandpa."

"You call him Grandpa?" Emmy was trying not to laugh.

Harry's eyes narrowed at the road; he didn't look at her. "There something wrong with Grandpa?"

"No, no," she said, turning away to smile to herself out the window. "Just...unexpected, that's all."

The corner of his mouth twitched. "Do you have a problem with 'Grandpa'?"

"No." She looked at him now. "I can't imagine Prince Philip being called Grandpa."

"Well, he is," Harry said. "And if you're lucky he'll force you to call him that too."

Her eyebrows rose in horrified surprise. "What?!"

He barked a laugh. "Ooh, didn't see that one coming?"

"He'll make me call him Grandpa?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

"Did he make Kate?"

"No, but Kate was a lot older than you when they first met."

She narrowed her eyes. "You think that because I'm young, I'll call him Grandpa?"

"I don't think anything, Emmy," he said matter-of-factly. "Whether he thinks that..."

"Harry!" Her voice rose in despair. "Harry, I can't call him that!"

"Why not?"

" scary enough as it is without me having to treat them like they're my own grandparents," she said, then bit her lip and looked out the window, away from him so he couldn't see her face.

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