Exodus 17:1-17:16

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Water From the Rock

17 The whole Israelite community🏘️ set out from the Desert🏜️ of Sin, traveling from place to2️⃣ place as the Lord commanded🗣️. They camped🎪 at Rephidim, but there was ❌no❌ 🌊💧water💦💦 for4️⃣ the people👥 to2️⃣ drink🍶. 2 So they quarreled😒🗣️ with Moses👴🏽 and said🗣️, “Give us 🌊💧water💦💦 to2️⃣ drink🍶.”

Moses👴🏽 replied🗣️, “Why do you quarrel😒🗣️ with me❓ Why do you put the Lord to2️⃣ the test❓”

3 But the people👥 were thirsty for4️⃣ 🌊💧water💦💦 there, and they grumbled😒 🅰️against Moses👴🏽. They👥 said🗣️, “Why did you bring us up🆙 out of Egypt to2️⃣ ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 us and our children👶👦👧 and 🐮🐄🐷🐖🐗🐪🐫livestock🐏🐑🐔🐓🐣🐤🐥 💀die💀 of thirst?”

4 Then Moses👴🏽 cried😭 out to2️⃣ the Lord, “What am I to2️⃣ do with these people👥❓ They are 🅰️almost ready to2️⃣ stone🗿 me.”

5 The Lord answered🗣️ Moses👴🏽, “Go out in front of the people👥. Take with you some of the 👴👴🏻👴🏼👴🏽👴🏾👴🏿elders👵👵🏻👵🏼👵🏽👵🏾👵🏿 of Israel and take in your hand🤚 the staff🏑🏒 with which you struck the Nile🏞️, and go. 6 I will stand🕴️ there 🐝before4️⃣ you by the rock🗿 at Horeb. Strike the rock🗿, and 🌊💧water💦💦 will come out of it for4️⃣ the people👥 to2️⃣ drink🍶.” So Moses👴🏽 did this in the sight👀 of the 👴👴🏻👴🏼👴🏽👴🏾👴🏿elders👵👵🏻👵🏼👵🏽👵🏾👵🏿 of Israel. 7 And he called📞 the place Massah[a] and Meribah 🐝because the Israelites quarreled😒🗣️ and 🐝because they👥 tested the Lord saying🗣️, “Is the Lord 🅰️among us or ❎not❎❓”

The Amalekites Defeated

8 The Amalekites came and 💥attacked💥 the Israelites at Rephidim. 9 Moses👴🏽 said🗣️ to2️⃣ Joshua,“Choose some of our men👬 and go out to2️⃣ 🥊fight🤺🤼 the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand🕴️ on🔛 top🔝 of the hill🗻 with the staff🏑🏒 of God in my hands👐.”

10 So Joshua 🥊fought🤺🤼 the Amalekites as Moses👴🏽 had ordered🗣️, and Moses👴🏽, Aaron and Hur went to2️⃣ the top🔝 of the hill🗻. 11 As long as Moses👴🏽 held up🆙 his hands👐, the Israelites were winning🏆🏅🥇, but whenever he lowered⬇️ his hands👐, the Amalekites were winning🏆🏅🥇. 12 When Moses’👴🏽 hands👐 grew tired😴, they👥 took a🅰️ stone🗿 and put it under him and he sat💺 on🔛 it. Aaron and Hur held his hands👐 up🆙 ➖ one1️⃣ on🔛 one1️⃣ side, one1️⃣ on🔛 the other ➖ so that his hands👐 remained steady till sunset🌆🌅. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the 🗡️sword⚔️.

14 Then the Lord said🗣️ to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽, “Write📝✍️ this on🔛 a🅰️ scroll📜 🅰️as something to2️⃣ be🐝 remembered🤔💭 and make sure that Joshua hears👂 it, 🐝because I will completely blot out the name of Amalek from under⬇️ 🌤️heaven🌤️.”

15 Moses👴🏽 ⛏️⚒️built🛠️🔨 🅰️an altar🛐 and called📞 it The Lord is my Banner. 16 He said🗣️, “🐝Because hands👐 were lifted⬆️ up🆙 🅰️against the throne💺 of the Lord, the Lord will be🐝 at war 🅰️against the Amalekites from generation to2️⃣ generation.”

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