Exodus 21:1-21:36

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21 “These are the laws⚖️ you are to2️⃣ set 🐝before4️⃣ them:

Hebrew Servants

2 “If you 💰buy💰 a🅰️ Hebrew servant, he is to2️⃣ serve you for4️⃣ six6️⃣ years📅. But in the seventh7️⃣ year📅, he shall go free🆓, without 💰paying💰 🅰️anything. 3 If he comes 🅰️alone, he is to2️⃣ go free🆓 🅰️alone; but if he has a🅰️ wife💍 when he comes, she is to2️⃣ go with him. 4 If his master gives him a🅰️ wife💍 and she bears🐻🐨🐼 him sons👬 or daughters👭, the woman and her children👶👧👦 shall 🐝belong to2️⃣ her master, and only the man shall go free🆓.

5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I 💘❤️💓💕💖💗💙love💚💛💜🖤💝💞💟 my master and my wife💍 and children👶👧👦 and do 🚫not🚫 want😍 to2️⃣ go free🆓,’ 6 then his master must take him 🐝before4️⃣ the judges👩‍⚖️. He shall take him to2️⃣ the door🚪 or the 🚪doorpost and pierce his ear👂 with 🅰️an 🅰️awl. Then he will be🐝 his servant for4️⃣ life.

7 “If a🅰️ man 💰sells💰 his daughter👧 as a🅰️ servant, she is 🚫not🚫 to2️⃣ go free🆓 as male♂️ servants do. 8 If she does 🚫not🚫 please the master who has selected her for4️⃣ himself, he must let her be🐝 redeemed. He has 🚫no🚫 right➡️ to2️⃣ 💰sell💰 her to2️⃣ foreigners, 🐝because he has broken💔 faith🙏 with her. 9 If he selects her for4️⃣ his son👦, he must grant her the rights➡️ of a🅰️ daughter👧. 10 If he marries🤵👰💍 another woman, he must ❌not❌ deprive the 🥇first one1️⃣ of her 🍉🥕🌶️🍄🥒🥜🍗🍞🥖🍟🥞🧀🌭🌮🥙🥚food🥘🍲🥗🍿🍱🍘🍛🍜🍝🍡🍦🍢🍨🍣🍩🎂🍪🍰☕🥛🍺🍬🍮🥃🍶, 👕👖👗👘👙👚clothing👞👟👠👡👢 and marital🤵👰💍 rights➡️. 11 If he does ❌not❌ provide her with these three3️⃣ things, she is to2️⃣ go free🆓, without any 💰payment💰 of 💰💸💳money💴💵💶💷.

Personal Injuries

12 “🅰️Anyone who strikes a🅰️ person👤 with a🅰️ ☠️fatal☠️ blow💨 is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ 💀death💀. 13 However, if it is ❌not❌ done intentionally, but God lets it happen, they 🅰️are to2️⃣ flee🏃 to2️⃣ a🅰️ place I will designate. 14 But if 🅰️anyone1️⃣ schemes and ☠️kills☠️ someone1️⃣ deliberately, that person👤 is to2️⃣ be🐝 taken from my altar🛐 and put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️.

15 “🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who 💥attacks💥 their father👴 or mother👵 is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️.

16 “🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who 👶👦👧kidnaps😴 someone1️⃣ is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️, whether the victim has been 🎟️🎫sold or is still in the 👶👦👧kidnapper’s😴 possession💼.

17 “🅰️Anyone1️⃣ who 💫curses💫 their father👴 or mother👵 is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️.

18 “If people👥 quarrel🗣️😠 and one1️⃣ person👤 hits 🅰️another with a🅰️ stone🗿 or with their 🤛🤜fist✊👊 and the victim does ❌not❌ 💀die💀 but is ⛓️confined⛓️ to2️⃣ bed🛌🛏️, 19 the one1️⃣ who struck the blow💨 will ❌not❌ be🐝 held liable if the other can get up🆙 and walk🚶 🅰️around🔃🔄 outside with a🅰️ staff🏑🏒; however, the guilty 🎉party🎊 must 💰pay💰 the injured person👤 for4️⃣ any loss of ⌚⏰⏱️time⏲️🕰️🕛 and see👁️ that the victim is completely healed⛑️.

20 “🅰️Anyone who beats their male♂️ or female♀️ slave with a🅰️ rod🏒🏑 must be🐝 ⛓️🔒punished🔒⛓️ if the slave 💀dies💀 🅰️as 🅰️a direct result, 21 but they 🅰️are ❌not❌ to2️⃣ be🐝 punished if the slave recovers⛑️ after a🅰️ ☀️day☀️ or two2️⃣, since the slave is their property💼.

22 “If people👥 are fighting🤼🤺 and 💢hit💢 a🅰️ pregnant🤰 woman and she gives birth🤰 prematurely but there is ❌no❌ serious injury, the offender must be🐝 fined🎟️🎫 whatever the woman’s husband💍 demands 🅰️and the court👩‍⚖️ 🅰️allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you 🅰️are to2️⃣ take life for4️⃣ life, 24 eye👁️ for4️⃣ eye👁️, tooth👄 for tooth👄, hand🤚 for4️⃣ hand🤚, foot👣 for4️⃣ foot👣, 25 burn🔥 for4️⃣ burn🔥, wound💢 for4️⃣ wound💢, bruise💥 for4️⃣ bruise💥.

26 “🅰️An owner who 💢hits💢 a🅰️ male♂️ or female♀️ slave in the eye👁️ and 💥destroys💥 it must let the slave go free🆓 to2️⃣ compensate for4️⃣ the eye👁️. 27 And 🅰️an owner who 💢knocks💢 out the tooth👄 of a🅰️ male♂️ or female♀️ slave must let the slave go free🆓 to2️⃣ compensate for4️⃣ the tooth👄.

28 “If a🅰️ bull🐂🐃 💥gores💥 a🅰️ man♂️ or woman♀️ to2️⃣ 💀death💀, the bull🐂🐃 is to2️⃣ be🐝 stoned🗿 to2️⃣ 💀death💀, and its meat must 🚫not🚫 be🐝 eaten. But the owner of the bull🐂🐃 will 🚫not🚫 be🐝 held responsible. 29 If, however, the bull🐂🐃 has had the habit of 💥goring💥 and the owner has been ⚠️warned⚠️ but has 🚫not🚫 kept it penned up and it ☠️kills☠️ a🅰️ man♂️ or woman♀️, the bull🐂🐃 is to2️⃣ be🐝 stoned🗿 and its owner also is to2️⃣ be🐝 put to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️. 30 However, if 💰payment💰 is demanded🗣️, the owner may redeem his life by the 💰payment💰 of whatever is demanded. 31 This law⚖️ 🅰️also 🅰️applies☑️ if the bull🐂🐃 💥gores💥 a🅰️ son👦 or daughter👧. 32 If the bull🐂🐃 💥gores💥 a🅰️ male♂️ or female♀️ slave, the owner must 💰pay💰 thirty3️⃣0️⃣ 🏅shekels🏅 of silver🥈 to2️⃣ the master of the slave, and the bull🐂🐃 is to2️⃣ be🐝 stoned🗿 to2️⃣ ☠️death☠️.

33 “If anyone1️⃣ uncovers a🅰️ pit🕳️ or ⛏️digs⛏️ one1️⃣ and fails to2️⃣ cover it and an ox🐂🐃 or a🅰️ 🐴donkey🐎 falls into2️⃣ it,34 the one1️⃣ who opened the pit🕳️ must 💰pay💰 the owner for4️⃣ the loss and take the 💀dead💀 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 in exchange💱.

35 “If anyone’s1️⃣ bull🐂🐃 injures someone1️⃣ else’s bull🐂🐃 and it ☠️dies☠️, the two2️⃣ 🎉parties🎊 are to2️⃣ 💰sell💰 the live one1️⃣ and divide➗ both the 💰💸💳money💴💵💶💷 and the 💀dead💀 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 equally. 36 However, if it was known🎓 that the bull🐂🐃 had the habit of 💥goring💥, yet the owner did 🚫not🚫 keep it penned up, the owner must 💰pay💰, 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 for4️⃣ 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋, and take the 💀dead💀 🐬🐟🦈🐙🐨🐼🐺🦊🦁🐯🦀🐍🐧🦌🐘 🦏🐿️🦅🦑🐊animal🐌🦂🦇🐻🐅🐆🐒🦍🐳🐋 in exchange💱.

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