trees and simmilies

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The mocking bird's wings beat fast as the blue coloured bird hovered over the lake. Giant trees towered over the teenager as he made his way along the stream. He took special care avoiding the irregular sized rock (lmao autocorrect decided to be stupid and corrected rocks to fish,, kmn) that were laying close to the forest bed and went into the stream.

It seemed as if it's been several houses since Joshua lost his best friend, Tyler, who always seemed to get lost every time they went out anywhere. "Tyler Robert Joseph, get your ass over here now!" The pink haired lad yelled. To passers by, it would have seemed that Josh was trying to be horrible or insult Tyler; yet ur was quite the opposite. It was Josh's love and care for Tyler that caused him to get worried.

"Tyler, where the fuck are you?" Josh continued to yell as he ran his hand through this wet hair and forehead that was beaded with sweat. Josh kept walking along side the lake, taking in his surroundings. It was no wonder Tyler got caught up in chasing a butterfly and then getting himself lost.

Although Tyler was the younger one of this duo, he acted small for his age. He was literally just short ( ), innocent and had child like behaviour at times.

The dense wood seemed to have 100s of different trees, each and every was special in their own way. Some had delicate and light green, velvet- soft leaves; others had sharp needles and a tough outer layer. These trees seemed to have been similar to Tyler and josh. Josh was a tough, punk looking guy with pink hair and gauges. He was tall, muscular and well built. Tyler on the opposite hand was a small and lanky boy who look more interest in songwriting and playing the uke and piano as well as being a cute tumblr whore.

Heyy,, I hope this wasn't too shit,, mh yeah I tried,, sorry for the long ish intro,, I promise there'll be a plot development in the next chapter,,
Stay alive frens,,
~Yer bear ho |-/

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