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Emily's P.O.V.

I hear them all downstairs getting ready to eat breakfast as soon as I enter my room by the window. I run out my door and downstairs. "Happy Birthday!!" I yell as I run towards Ed and give him a kiss in the cheek. Everyone laughs and Ed giggles. "Thank you thought you had forgotten." He says. "Uh.. What makes you think of that? I would never forget my best friend and best brother alive birthday. Specially his 14th Birthday." I say and touch my heart like I was offended. I can't hold back my urge of hugging him. I pull back to a crying Ed. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask. "It's just that many things are surrounding my head... that's all love." he says and looks at me in the eyes. I see he's sad and feels alone. I hug him again and whisper "You're not alone." in his year. "We going to go out at 2 pm so you must be ready by then young Sr." I say and the door bell goes off. Alex goes and opens the door. "Where are you going to take me?" He asks. "Just the mall for now. We going to go get you something special... for tonight." I say carelessly. "Tonight?" "Yeap tonight. Tonight is a special night!" Fla says as he enters the kitchen. "Happy Puppy Birthday!" He yells and hugs him tight. "Thanks man." He says and hugs him back. Fla's phone vibrates breaking the hug. "You guys want to eat?" Brandon asks us. "No thanks" I say. "I will please." he says  and sits next to Ed. "Happy Birthday Ed" Alex and Matt say as well. "Yea happy birthday from all of us." says Angi and she joins us in the kitchen. We hear the door bell again. I look at Fla. He shakes his head no meaning he didn't bring anyone with him. Angi opens the door. "Em somebody is looking for you." Angi says and we hear Jacobs a Bronze gangster. I feel Ed's and Fla's eyes on me. "Just do what he tells you guys." I say and they both kneel down in one knee. Fla had his hand over his gun. I sit down and look towards the kitchen entrance as Jacob and Angi came in. "Morning." he says and looks at Fla and Ed. "Morning" Brandon and the rest answer. "Fla get your hand off your gun i didn't come to cause any damage to anyone. Ed happy birthday." He says and Fla does as told. "Emily why are you sitting down when you know you're to stand up when a Bronze is in your area." he says with his annoying voice. "Because i want to." I say simply. "Well we have something to talk about something. If you know what i'm talking about." he says. "I clearly know what we have to talk about and i'm not exactly going to talk about it here in front of everyone."  I say and look at Ed and Fla. "Good then lets talk in your room should we?" "Yea go ahead and go to my room i'll bee there in a bit." I say and he does as told. Ed and Fla stand up sitting back down. I roll my eyes as soon as he's out of my sight. "What does he want to talk about? Today?" Fla asks. "Doctor's shit like always. He's 'checking up' on me. Not like he fucking gave to shits bout me." I say and stand up. "Was this part of the plan?" Ed asks confused. "No he was not part of the plan but I promise it won't affect our plans. He will be out of here in no more than an hour or two." I say unsure of myself. I head towards the door. "Em." "Yea?" "Do you have your gun with you?" Fla asks. "My room is full of weapons that's no issues. I'll be okay. I promise." I say and head upstairs. I go to my room and lock the door. "So are you ready for you monthly stuff?" He asks. "I already told you i'm not going to be doing that shit no more. I'm done with meds." I say getting instantly frustrated and annoyed. "Don't you raise your voice at me." He says raising his voice more than me. "I don't give a fuck. I will raise my voice as much as I want to you are a nobody to me!" i yell at him trying to control me. 

Ed's P.O.V.

 We all quietly our breakfast. "Look if you want to fucking control me well that is not going to fucking happen! So might as well leave!" we hear Em yell from upstairs. I look towards the stairs  then continue eating. "It's not that i want to take control of you it's that you must do as ordered! You are a nobody! I could guide you to be a someone! You just need to want!" we hear Jacob yell back. "Looks like Jacob didn't have the same plans as Em did." Fla states. "I don't really understand what is going on." I say honestly. "Don't you fucking yell at me you piece or shit! It's my job to make sure you do as told and I am the doctor here not you!" Jacob yells. "I will yell at you as much as I want to! And Just for your fucking information I am a doctor as well! I have my degrees on it and guess what sweetheart you are not the most wanted doctor alive." Em yells and her voice barely audible at the end. "Emily will finish getting her ass beaten if she doesn't calm down" Fla says. "As her so called doctor he should probably know that Em is bipolar and has it under control until someone actually gets to her." I say protecting my sis. " Look you bitch you either do as I fucking tell you or you will finish back at your fathers arm! but wait I don't think you mind as much since you are exactly like him! A killer, murder, and asshole who shouldn't be alive, a fucking alcoholic and drug addict. Might as well kill yourself!!"  Jacob yells at Em. Em stays silent for a bit. "You won't have to deal with me for long! I promise you that! And I my father wasn't a drug addict. In the other hand You are a fuckin-" she was cut off by i don't know what. "You don't talk to me in that tone! Understood!?"  We hear Jacob yell and punch something. Fla huffs and rubs his eyes with his palms. "I knew it" he mumbles. "Knew what?" I ask confused on what the hell is going on. "Nothing. Can you make me a favor?" He asks. "Yea I guess I can but I need to know what is going on." I say. "Go get Crystal from her house. Will you? Tell her Jacob is here." He says and I nod. "Okay i'll be back." I say and get my skateboard from the leaving room. I go out the door and skate my way to Crystals house. 

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