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"Baby! Where are we going?!" Crystal asks for the million time in just an hour drive to Galveston. Yes, I'm driving slow on purpose.

We finally arrive at the restaurant I was going to bring her too. I take her in. "Wow Baby! This place is so pretty!" She says. I chuckle. "You have seen nothing yet baby girl" I say as we walk inside. We don't stop at the front desk when we go in. We go in directly where I was going to. I walk to the back. The back was a beach. It was still pretty empty. I walk her to a little cave I found when I first ran away from home and came here. We go in and I have a blanket with a bunch of candy and fruit on top. To the side, I have a bench in which I have Vodka for later. I hear Crystal squeak next to me. She hugs me tight. She kisses me deep and wraps her arm around my neck. I carry her back to the beach in which we lay down in the sand. She lets go and looks out into the moving waves. I look at her and carry her to the edge of the shore. I sit her in between my legs and she rests her head back in me. She moves back and feels my packer a smile spreads in her face. I wrap my arms around her waist and slide them inside her loose crop top. I pull her crop top off and unbutton her pants to remove them along with her shoes and socks. I throw them to the other side of her and take off. I take off my pants, I was wearing some shorts under. I remove my shirt but not my binder. I pull my love up and we run to the water.

**SMUT Warning**

If you don't want to read skip to next session that says *Smut over*

We play all day. We stop only to eat fruit and very little candy. "Baby?" She asks. "Yes, baby girl?" "I love you." she says. I smile. I rest my head on top of hers. She looks up at me and kisses me. I kiss back deeply and passionately. She turns around and strangles my waist. I place my hands on her butt slightly squeezing it. I stand up with her still in my hands. I carry her to our cave I lock it. Yes, I put a little door on it. I lay her down on the blanket and slide my hands up and down her sides. Her hands go to my hair, she plays with it. I undo her bra. I remove it. My lips go to her boobs sucking at them. "Uh! Baby Mmm!" She moans. I kiss her body up and down skipping her v. I kiss her inner thigh. By now she's begging me to pay attention to her v. I tease her waist line with my tongue. I slowly remove her panties off. I rub her pussy with my fingers as I kiss her lips and suck on her neck leaving a hickey. I lower myself and eat her out slowly then faster. I go insane with her moans and begs. I insert a finger in her. Her moans get louder and I kiss her. I insert another moving it in and out of her. My mind goes to the promise Matt made me. I would someday be able to insert my cock inside this beautiful woman I love I mean like. She bites and sucks at my neck and shoulders as I insert another finger going faster and deeper. I moan when I feel my v being rubbed by her knee, her left on my nearly flat chest due to the binder her right is bringing me closer to her lovely lips. After a while, I feel her cum on my fingers as she yells my name. I take them out and show them to her and sucked on my fingers. She smiles and I lay down next to her. She inserts her hand in my boxers rubbing my clit til I cum with a loud growl. I kiss her one more time before I feel her pass out from tiredness. I bring her close. I play with her hair as I watch her sleep peacefully. I wrap my arm around her protectively. "I love you baby." I whisper once she is deep asleep. 

**SMUTT Over**

"It was the best day of my life baby! Thank you!" Crystal yells once we are outside of her house. "You're welcome love." I say. I walk her up to her drive way and kiss her one last time before she says, "Good night baby. I love you." and walks inside. I walk back to the Jeep and drive home.

I finally get home after a few minutes. I walk out the Jeep and inside. I walk to the leaving room to be met with 4 pairs of eyes. "Um...Hi?" I say awkwardly as I place my keys in my pants pockets. "Hi." They all say. "I thought you all would be asleep by now. It's already 9 pm." I say. "Yeah, we were waiting for you Sky."  Alex states. "Oh... I told you guys to not wait for me. I was actually going to stay at Crystals but I decided to come." I say thankfully I didn't stay. "I see you two had some fun." Says Matt. "Uh... Yea I took her to a beach in Galveston. We spend the day mainly on the beach." I say. "I was referring to the hickeys on your neck Sky." Says Matt. I blush. "Yea... That...Um... I'll be upstairs. Is Angela asleep?" I ask remembering we were going to talk. "No, she has actually been waiting for you. She has barely come out of her room today." Brandon says and I nod going upstairs. I knock on Angela's door. "Come in?" I hear her. "Hey!" she yells as I enter her room. She comes up to me and hugs me. "Hey, you okay? Brandon said you barely came out of your room today. You okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, I just feel confused and I need some advice of yours. Please." She says with pleading eyes. "Okay, lets talk." I say and she pulls me to her bed. "Em... You may think I'm crazy but I think I like someone and..." "and?" "and it's..." "It's a girl?" I ask. She slightly nods. "Okay.... What's wrong with that?" I ask. "I like this girl in school but she is... Very quiet and shy." She says looking down. "Then go for it just remember that it's okay for you to be you." I say. "Thank you hey... last night was scary but I want you to know I understand why you did it and I forgive you." She says and I nod. "Yea sorry. Hey, Um... I have something to tell you and I hope you can take it in a positive way." I say nervously. "Go ahead." She says. "I'm trans Angela. I'm a guy in a girls body...but I'm still me okay? I want you to still trust me. I can still help you and I'm here for you at any time. Even when you can't sleep. I promise I won't change anytime soon." I say nervous on what she would say. I dear to look up at her. Suprise to see a smile on her face. "I'm so happy I finally have a brother who was a girl that way he won't cheat on every girl that comes on his way! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" She yells and I smile. She hugs me and I hug her back. "Well, you should sleep. Tomorrow you have school there is no escape on that again." I say and she nods going under her covers. I turn off the light and walk out leaving the door slightly open. "Good night Em." I hear her say. "Good night Angi." I say and turn around going to the bathroom before heading back downstairs for a cup of water. I open the fridge looking for a cold water bottle. There is none. "Looking for this?" I hear Matt voice from behind me making me jump. I turn around and see Alex, Matt, Evan, and Brandon on the counter. Matt had a water bottle. Cold water bottle. "Yea I am." I say. He hands it to me. "You smell like alcohol" says Brandon. "I drank a bit of Vodka and alcohol." I say and sit on the counter. "Okay." he says. "What did Angela have?" asks Matt worried. "She has a crush... finish being it a girl. She knows I'm trans and accepts it." I say and jump off the counter to walk away. When my feet hit the floor I fold from the pressure on my ribs. "Shit" I say and try to breathe right. Alex helps me stand up right. "have you taken the binder off during the day?" asks Evan. I shake my head no. "Why not? You know better than to wear it longer than 8 hours." Brandon says with an 'you know better' tone. I sigh. "I'm sorry." I say and get out of Alex hold. "Good night." I say and try walking away only for Brandon to stand in front of me. "Excuse me." I say and try walking past him but he won't give in. I sigh. "Ever wondered why we waited for you? We made a deal." He says. "I'm not ready sorry." I say  "I know you aren't but you need to know some stuff. So please sit down and let's talk." He says. "I'm sorry Brandon but I can't it's not an easy topic for me. I wish to rest some tonight." I say hoping he would move but I was wrong. "Are you planning on sleeping?" Alex asks. I face him. "No. I can't sleep." I say. "I got some pills," says Evan. "I'm sorry but I'm not into meds." I say to him. "I just want to rest." I say. I look at Matt. "I think you understand how it feels to talk about it when not being ready. Please, I'm just not ready." I say to him. He nods. "Okay, We won't talk about it...under two conditions." he says. I nod. "And what is that?" "One: You will take the pills Evan said. Two: You will come talk to me when you need help and when you are ready to talk to us." he says. I nod. "Fine. I'll take them... and I promise i will." I say looking at him directly in the eyes. He nods and looks at the rest nodding. I go upstairs. Evan takes me the pill soon. I sleep. and wake and sleep again. I didn't rest from the nightmares.

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