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Skyden P.O.V.

We arrive at El Paso within an hour. I instantly get down only to hiss in pain and lean on the jeep's seat. "What's the matter?"  Alex asks and I just shake my head no. "Fuck." I curse under my breath as I stand up.  Ignoring my pain I make my way towards Ty's house everyone was following behind me. I open the door and hear music coming from his room. "Ya'll can sit down, imma go get him,"  I say and they nod. I walk upstairs and into his room without knocking. I close the door behind me and turn around to see him walking from side to side. "What's the matter?" "I-I just. I just feel like cutting myself!" He yells into a pillow. I sit next to him. He hugs me and I let him cry on my shoulder. We stay in that position for a long time. He comes back to his senses and looks at me in the eyes. I look down. "Looks at me." He orders and I do as told. He slowly crashes our lips together as they move together. He pushes me down on the bed as he hovers over me. Moving my hands up and down his chest, I realize we both need this. I deepen the kiss as he rubs his hands on my bruised stomach and down to my ass. He leans his body against me but I softly whimper. He opens his eyes and looks into mine noticing I was in slight pain. He stops everything he is doing and pulls up my shirt analyzing all the cuts and bruises and lashes I had. He growls and sits up carrying me. I lean my head on his chest as he plays with my hair. "They are in the leaving room," I state and attempt to stand up but he holds on to me. "Come, on love, let's go." I lean into him and give him a deep kiss, with that he stands up and follows me into the leaving room as our hands interwine. Everyone was having a conversation and eating but when we go in it turns into dead silence. "What's the matter, bro?" Fla is the first to ask Ty. "Nothing, just tired," he says in a raspy voice. Fla looks at me then nods knowing he was lying. " what are we going to do?" Angi asks breaking the intense silence. "I don't know, " Fla says looking at Ed. "Me either, Sky is the only one that knows what will happen," Ed says looking at me. I look at Ty and then down. Ty-wraps his arms around my waist and whispers, "You have a house now, remember." I nod and lean against his body. He squeezes my hip, as a 'go ahead and tell them' sign. "Well, I-I was thinking we could stay at my house...since I now have one. We could stay there until it's safe to go back. You all will be watched after by our members as we are the only ones that live in this area," I say. "Sounds like a deal to me," Fla says. "What about our schooling?" Ty bro asks. "Ya'll won't be going to school in a while and you guys won't have a job. I will look after the family and the money, don't worry," I say and feel Ty breathing in my neck. "Crystal. You got your house, take care of Kat," Ty says to Crystal but Evan shakes his head no. "Kat is staying with us." "Did I ask you? No. Kat needs space and the rule here is you live with who watches after you for the rest of your life. Jacob and Kat watch after each other and are soon to be partners, just like me and Ana, Chris and Emmet, Sky and Ed, Fla and Josef;" Ty says and I look at him with 'calm down' face, he does as told. "Ed walk them home. Imma hang out here in my room for a bit" I say and he nods. 

As soon as the door closes Ty pushes me into the couch and goes to close the door and windows before coming back to me. "Who hurt you?" he asks pissed off. "Killer...for hurting Clay," I say. He comes towards me smashing our lips together. Things soon get heated up and I stop him. "Please... It's not okay for us to do anything b-because we are both pissed and not in the right state of mind. Please," I say and he nods. He kisses my neck leaving little hickies in the way. With a last kiss, he stops and sits down. He brings me into his lap in which I sit and snuggle with him. We stay in the same position for hours before we notice it's already 7 pm and it's dark. He carries me outside and into the picnic tables, where everyone else was. He lets me down but wraps his arms around my waist, keeping me close. Emmet looks our way, worried. "Sky, Ty let me talk to you guys," he orders. We walk to the Jeep, following Emmet. "What's the matter?" He asks. "We're just tired." "Okay? Why don't you go to sleep, I'll wake you up later tonight for the usual meeting?" Emmet says to Ty who nods. Ty kisses my forehead and walks away. I'm left to deal with Emmet. "What's the matter with you? you look in pain and just out of it," "You got that right, now can I go back with the rest?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "Why?" I protest but he comes near. I back up a bit but he reaches out to me grabbing my arm. "Please don't," I say but he still slides my sleeve up, revealing the deep cuts from earlier. "Don't let Chris see this, but he needs to know... It's better to just tell him yourself, than him seeing it on his own. come on," he says making me follow him into their house. I resist but he just carries me. I grab on to his shirt, not letting go as I close my eyes.  I suddenly fall into a soft seat but I still don't let go. "Let go, you're safe," Emmet says and I do as told. I open my eyes and look at him then at Chris who was standing up to come closer to me. "What's the matter?" Chris asks Emmet. "Take a look at his arms and you'll see," Emmet says. I curl into a ball in the seat with my arms in between me. "Let me see Sky. Don't force me to do it myself," he warns but I ignore him. I feel him tugging at my legs making me untangle after several attempts. "Let Go!" I yell at him but he just looks at me confused. "stop mumbling what you say?" "I didn't mumble," I state but he still looks confused and looks back to Emmet, also confused. "Speak Up." I just sigh and wipe off some tears that threatened to fall. Chris pulls up my sleeves and analyses my cuts. "Where did the bruises come from? and the lashes?" He asks making me look up at him, confused. I look down at my arms and realize the bruises he was talking about. I realize that Killer did. He didn't only beat me, he raped me as well... I was unconscious at the moment that happened. "So?" "Killer." "And the cuts?" "Me..." I say to him and look back down. "Give me your gun.," he orders. "No why?" "Because if you are cutting you are more than likely to kill yourself, tonight. I couldn't take it away while you were in Houston because you have a family but at El Paso, you also have a family that will look after your family, therefore Imma takes your gun away until you can prove to me that you are okay. Understood?" He says strictly. "No. I have been doing this my whole life, and I'm still alive... at least physically." "Look, I know what happened and why you are here, I talked to Blake on your way here. I need you to look after yourself, okay?" I shake my head no. "Why not?" Emmet asks me. "Because I could care less about myself, and that is just not going to happen." "Hand me your gun. Don't force me to take it away myself.," he says and I stand to leave and almost lost balance. "Stop. Sky stop. Stop hurting yourself please," Emmet says and forces me back into the seat. "Fuck." I curse without thinking and curl into a ball in intense pain on my ribs. Chris picks me up and carries me upstairs. I was in much pain to fight back. He lays me down on a bed and softly uncurls me, taking away my waist gun in the process and handing it to Emmet who puts it away somewhere. Having issues to breathe, I start coughing. Chris pulls up my shirt and notices where the pain was coming from. He starts ordering Emmet things that I couldn't make out due to the pain. I feel a strong sting in my ribs and stomach and I look down to see Chris pouring certain amounts of alcohol into my stomach. I growl and try to move away, but Chris holds me in place. "Breath Sky. Breathe." I'm able to make up from reading his lips. He wipes off the alcohol only to pour some more. Not being able to contain the pain, I pass out.

I wake up with lots of pain on my body. I look up to see Chris looking down at me. My head in his lap. I look to the side and see Emmet asleep on the bed next to me. I try to sit up but I fall back. Noticing I have no strength on my stomach nor arms, I stay still. "You'll be okay, I promise." Chris mumbles. I shake my head no. I don't want to be okay. It hurts too much to be okay, right now.  I let some tears fall, I missed them all so much. Chris outs on a sweater and lays a blanket over me before carrying me outside and into my house. He lays me down next to Ed and gives me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the house. I'm left alone at night once again. After an hour of laying down, I somehow manage to stand up and walk my way downstairs to the kitchen where I grab a water bottle and sit on the island. Alone once again.

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