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when we were home Ryan and Adam were already there and they had brought home a new friend, Mitch.

"hey mitch." said Ty and Quintin.

" hey." he replied. he leaned over to talk to Adam, " who's that?"

Adam mumbled back," that's Angie and her buddy is Kaytlyn, who is working on the house."

"ooohh." said Mitch. we went inside after Adam had explaned to Mitch who was who.

when we went in everything was completly different the main part was filled with 8 furnaces and 3 crafting tables. the was some chests too. one was labled food. inside the cooked and raw meat was seperated and the types were all catigoized by how much hunger they filled. the next chest was labled building blocks. inside the wood, cobble, obsidian, and other materials as such were in there. the next chest was labled odds & ends. inside contained just that, leaves, seeds, mob drops, and some other stuff. the house now had glass panes instead of artifical light from the torches. there was not much else in the main floor other than that. in the corner was. trap door. Ty was the first to notice it and go gown. I followed. when we were 6 blocks down there was a cleared out area filled with torches and the floor was dirt. there was a sign that read farm area. we kept going down after inspecting the area. 3 blocks later, we ended in a large room about 12×12×6 blocks. it was seperated by a wooden wall and the floor was smooth stone. there was, on the smaller side, 3 beds each one block spaced apart. on the other and larger side was 3 beds 1 block off the ground, 3 beds on the ground. each also spaced one block apart. in between, there was a chest in the ground. on the back wall there were 2 double chests and 2 craftting tables, and 1 furnce. the furnace was in the middle the ladder came down in the corner on the other half of the room. each half had one crafting table and one double chest. above the double chest(s) was a sign that read valuables. inside was diamonds, iron, and tools.I went to the smaller half of the room and above the doorway was a sign that read girls. I looked over by the lader, there was a sign. I asumed it read guys but, I didn't want to go look. I looked in and I saw Kaytlyn putimg the finishing touches on the room.

" back so soon?" asked Kaytlyn.

"love what you've done." I said ignoring her first comment.

" yea, now we all have a designated place to sleep. and I also put extra beds in the chest, just in case." we walked out of the room into the larger one only to find the guys arguing over who slept where. " maybe I should have labled who sleeps where too." she said snickering. I laughed and nooded. by now they, the guys, were all staring at us. there was a moment of silence, until everyone burst out laughing.

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