Brad- Cutting yourself (The Vamps)

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WARNING: Might be triggering... ⚠️ ⚠️

"Y/N, I can't believe you think I'm cheating on you! How can you even think that?!?" Brad shouted. You two were having your same old argument.

"The internet doesn't lie Brad!! I know this picture isn't edited. You can clearly see the two of you making out backstage!!" You shouted at him.

He went wide eyed for a moment there.

"Just leave Bradley. I don't want to scream at you anymore and I don't even want to see you right now!!" You said harshly.

He became even angrier and stormed out of the house while saying. "I still can't believe your accusing me of cheating on you. "

You broke down and tears escaped from your eyes. Maybe he wasn't cheating on me after all. 

All of a sudden your phone beeped. It was a message from Brad.

She found out about us, Angie. What are we gonna do??

That was proof that he was cheating on you. And not only that but he was just straight up lying to your face.  You cried even more and came upstairs to your bedroom. You cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning you woke up expecting to see Brad on the other side of the bed but then memories of last night flooded through your mind. You cried even more and decided to do something that always relieved during stressful days. Razor.

You went to the bathroom and took out your shiny sharp razor. Before you cut you decided to send Brad a text.

Hey Brad. I found out you were cheating on me. The fans found out too. They are happy that we broke up. I guess that by doing this, you'll be happy too. I don't why you cheated on me though. Was I not good enough for you? Anyways. That's beside the point. I have made my decision. After I leave the world no one will even care about me. What I wanted to say is that, Brad, I love you and I am so sorry for doing this. If you get this text on time, please don't try to stop me. I love you. Have fun with Angie. ~Y/N.

After you sent him that text you cried a bit more before finally putting the razor to your skin. You were about to put pressure on it when suddenly the bathroom door flung open and in came a worried Brad.

He saw you and slapped the razor out of your hands. He sighed in relief as he saw your body alive. He hugged you so tight you could barely breathe. You cried into his chest as he whispered soothing things in your ear.

He brought you to your bed and you had stopped crying a while ago.

"Why?" He asked. That one simple question.

"You didn't need me anymore. My family didn't want me there. The fans hated me. No body loved me anymore so I decided that I should just leave quietly so everyone would be happy. " you say quietly.

"I love you. " he whispered putting emphasis on "I"

"Then why did you Cheat on me??" You asked your voice raising.

He looked down. " look the truth is, when I was on tour, I missed you a lot. I just needed someone that would love me as much as you did because you weren't there. I missed your hugs and kisses. I missed YOU. I needed someone to fulfill that need so I cheated on you with Angie. But I swear it meant nothing!! Please believe me! I love you. "

He said almost crying. You could tell in his eyes that he was telling the truth.
You smiled up at him. Seeing you smile made him smile a bit too.

"I love you too Brad. " you say as he pulled you into a hug.

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