Harry - Lost (1D)

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You're sitting in your small apartment in your small town cuddling your cat just watching television. You're about to get up to get some ice cream when there's a knock at the door. It's the middle of the night, who in the world could that possibly be?

As you walk to the door you grab the baseball bat your brother leaves in the hallway, you can never be too safe, what if it's a burgaler? You get closer and you hear boys giggling. You let out a sigh of relief, it's probably the moron boys from school playing a joke. You ease your tension and sleepily open the door. Lo and behold, you can't believe your eyes! Is this real, or are you sleeping?! It's the boys from one direction! Harry and Louis are joking around and Liam tells them to be quiet.

Zayn whispers 'Excuse me miss, but we just landed in this area, and we're new to it, mind telling us where the nearest hotel is?' Niall asks you if you were about to play baseball with that bat. You slam the door. Wait, that was rude, why did you do that? 'This must be a dream' you think to yourself. You open the door back up because dream or not, you don't want to miss this.

You stutter something about coming in. You think they understood you, considering they walked in. They all stand there akwardly. Oh! Right! Directions to the nearest hotel. ''Well there is a Holiday Inn right down the-'' Harry walks over, "Why havn't you screamed yet?'' You both let out a giggle. Playing it cool was the one thing you loved about yourself, even when you're freaking out inside you can still somewhat keep calm. "I'm sure that gets awfully annoying after awhile, girls screaming while your trying to have a convorsation." You admit. They all nod and agree in unison. 'Eh yeah it does!' 'mhm' 'Got that right'.

Haha.. you giggle because, well, you're not sure what else to do. "You guys can have a seat ya know! I mean, if you don't have to go right away."
Harry turns back to the boys "Say, we got time for a little stay don't we?"
"Yeah sure!" "I don't see why not." "Nothing going on tomorrow really." "Uhh..sure!"

You suddenly think of your boyfriend Charlie of 3 years. You hope this isn't breaking any of those 'rules' you guys unconsciencly decided on. haha! Fat chance of that happening. You guys are inseperable!

You show them to the living room. It's quite small, and you hope they don't mind. "So, what brings you guys to this part of the States? Nothing ever happens here." "Well you see, our pilot got us lost and well, I'm not really sure what happened, but who cares, we're here now!" Niall explains "Are you guys hungry, I don't have any Nando's, sorry Niall, but I can fix you guys something, I'm sure you're starving!" You get up and go to the kitchen anyways, without their reply. You fix some ramen noodles for the boys, the only thing you can make. You curse yourself out in your head for not taking Home Ec last year.

"Here you go guys, I know it's not much, but it's all I can manage." You give them their bowls with a warming smile on your face giggling about your bad cooking skills.

You start to fix a bowl for yourself and walk back into the living room to find the boys havn't even started their soup. You start freaking out in your mind, did you do something wrong, maybe they don't like noodles, perhaps you put too much seasoning in it. Or maybe their just not hungry.

"Don't you guys like noodles? I hope I didn't mess them up! Here, I'll make you another bowl-"

"hahah, no, no, we're just waiting on you is all." Niall replies with his dreamy smile. You smile a heartwarming smile, still feeling like your dreaming.
You finally have your bowl and sit down. They all start digging in.

You giggle. "What's so funny?" Harry asks "

hahaha..everything! I still havn't figured out if I'm dreaming or not." "I swear if I wake up and find out it was all my imagination, I think I'm gonna havta cut back on 1D stuff.." you mumble to yourself.

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