Enter ! Naruto Uzumaki and (Y/N) (L/N) !

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I'm so so sorry for not updating in like, forever! I had a few problems in my life, school is horrible and I started to get writer's block... Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it!




Four years had passed since you arrived at the Hidden Leaf Village. You are now 12 years old and you to the ninja academy. The thing is, you have changed. A lot. There is no more trace of the cheerful girl you were when you were younger. You aren't emotionless, but you just started feeling awkward whenever you are with someone, you just don't know what to tell them. Because of that, you don't really hang out with anyone. In the village, everyone calls you the 'Outsider', because it is no secret that you weren't born in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Now that you think about it, you are kinda treated like a blonde boy with blue eyes named Naruto Uzumaki. He causes nothing but trouble, and he always tries to look like he doesn't care about what others think of him. In short, he is a goofball. He is also in the same class as you are. You heard him at least a hundred times yell that he was going to become Hokage! Honestly, you believed that if he works hard enough he might achieve his dream. After all, everything is possible, right? Anyways, back to you. Everyone stays away from you, but unlike Naruto, who hides his sadness and loneliness behind his happy-go-lucky face, you show it by always staying on your own. When you hear someone say bad things about you, you glare at the said person, but it still hurts. You only want to be normal, but everyone sees you as an outsider and avoid you. To make things worse, you don't know much about your clan. Sure, you know your clan name, but you know nothing about its history, it's justus or anything else for that matter... And each time you ask the Hokage he changes the subject.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,...

The annoying sound of your alarm clock was stopped when you punched it. Yup, another night where you couldn't sleep. Great...

You got out of bed and went to your closet to take out your usual outfit.

You got out of bed and went to your closet to take out your usual outfit

You got out of bed and went to your closet to take out your usual outfit

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(A/ N: You can choose whichever outfit you want)

After getting dressed, you went to brush your teeth, comb your hair, the usual morning routine... Since you weren't hungry, you only took a sandwich, in case you get hungry when you'll be at the Academy... You aren't exactly a teacher's pet but neither are you are a rebel... It kinda depends on what mood you're in... Anyways, after you locked your door you started walking towards the academy.


30 min later


You entered the classroom and immediately wrinkled your nose in disgust: just like every other day at the academy, almost every single girl in the class was fawning over the one and only Sasuke Uchiha. Though you actually call him Duckbutt. Seriously, what is it with that haircut? In all honesty, you didn't exactly like the 'Last Uchiha'. He is far too arrogant for his own good. You looked around yourself to see where you could sit and saw an empty chair next to Hinata Hyuuga, a shy girl with the typical lavender (?) Hyuuga eyes. You don't really mind being with her since she is the only girl you know (besides yourself) that doesn't have a crush on Duckbutt. Sitting next to her, you heard her greeting you shyly. After you greeted her back, both of you turned towards the door, where there stood an angry Iruka and a tied up Naruto. Hinata blushed when she saw the blonde goofball while you simply facepalmed.

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