"My Name is Konohamaru!"

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Hey Guys! Yay, an update!! It's really early for someone like me. Sorry if it's not great tho, I'm feeling rather tired, so...yeah... Also, in this chapter, I'll probably use some terms such as "brat", "moron" and "idiot" to talk about Naruto and Konohamaru. It's not because I don't like the characters, it's just that in this chapter, they sometimes kind of annoy (Y/N) (aka you) so I thought it would be best to "show" your annoyance. XP

PS: Please read the second part of my A/N at the end of the chapter!



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Lord Hokage! I brought you my ninja registration form!" You announced as you entered the Hokage's office, without even knocking (A/N Yeah, you're just that cool! XD), only to see Naruto and the Hokage staring at each other.

"Ummm... Bad timing?" You deadpanned, feeling rather awkward. When he saw you, the Hokage smiled at you. He was always kind towards you, and you felt grateful, even though you didn't show it a lot... You're not really good at talking to people... "Not at all, (Y/N)! I see you took your picture too!" Asked the Hokage as you handed him the paper. "At least your picture doesn't make you look like a fool." He continued, shooting a look at Naruto.

"Hey, what's the big idea, you old man? You wanted me to take a picture so I took one!" Yelled Naruto, pissed off, while you went behind him. Seeing his picture, you had to suppress a laugh: he really did look like a fool, though you didn't really know what to expect. He is Naruto after all.

Angry, Naruto performed his "Sexy-Jutsu", which made the Hokage have an epic nosebleed, while you just stared, confused with the entire thing.

Suddenly, a kid rushed into the room, yelling something about "Beating his Grandpa and becoming Hokage" before he randomly tripped and fell flat on his face. He immediately started accusing Naruto of tripping him, while you were wondering how this loud child could be related to the Third Hokage.

Naruto, getting angry at being accused, punched the brat on the head.

'Well, at least the kid will stop yelling...'

Only now did you realize that there was also another ninja in the room, wearing sunglasses and dressed in dark clothes. He was yelling at Naruto for hurting the 'Honourable Grandson', which made him look pretty stupid...

"Whatever, I'm leaving..." Said Naruto, running away, quickly followed by the kid. (A/N I know it didn't really happen in the episode but I'm too lazy to make every detail the same... XP) While the weird guy was lecturing thin air, the Hokage told you in a quiet voice."I'm sorry to ask you this, but would you mind keeping an eye on those two? I think it would be good for someone like you to try and keep them out of too much trouble..." Hearing his request, you nodded, but in your head, you were crying anime tears. 'Why me?'

Exiting the room, you went to search for them. Since you were a little bit more advanced than other children your age, you could tell where the two idiots went because you could sense their chakra. Following the trail, you arrived where on the streets, where you saw Naruto getting beaten up by a lady and the brat looking scared. 'What have they gotten into?' Just as the weird lady walked away, you arrived next to the boys and helped Naruto up.

"Thanks. Err, you're (Y/N), right?" Looking into Naruto's blue eyes, you mumbled a small "Yeah, and you're Naruto.", which caused him you grin nervously. "I'm sorry, it's just that I've never really had a chance to really talk to you at the academy." You knew what he meant. More than once, you wanted to talk with him, since neither of you really seemed to have a lot of friends, and both of you were more or less outcasts, but every time, your social-awkwardness got in the way. "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

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