Part Five - The Fast-Food

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"I suggest we start with Pop's." Jughead stated, grabbing Betty's hand as they walked in a dark alley. "It's close, and I can get something to eat."

Betty laughed. "What a surprise. While you eat, I'll plan the itinerary."

"What for?"

"So we use all the time we have." She pressed his hand. "You want to win, don't you?"

"It would be awesome to see Cheryl and Veronica crumble after none of them win," he laughed.

"You're sadistic." Betty grinned. "If we want to win, we want an itinerary."

"Okay." He lifted their intertwined hands and kissed hers.

When they walked into Pop's, they bumped into Archie and Kevin. After exchanging a few words, the opposite team exited the restaurant.

"Go order," Betty said. "I'll take the picture."

Jughead showed her his toothy smile and strode to the counter to order two coffees to-go and a donut. He was served by one of Pop's helpers, and as they talked, knowing each other (Jughead did live there), Betty walked over to Pop.

"Miss Cooper," Pop greeted her. "Are you also here for a shelpie?"

"A what?"

"You know, those pictures you take of yourself. Kevin just tried to explain it to me."

"You mean a selfie?"

"Sure." Pop shook his head.

Betty laughed. "Okay. Yes, I'm here for a selfie."

As Pop remained stoic, Betty smiled, lifted her cellphone and snapped a picture of the two of them, separated by the counter and the antique cash register. She thanked Pop and walked back to her boyfriend. He handed her a coffee, one cream no sugar, and drank from his, black. 

"What's the plan?" Jughead asked as he took a bite of his donut.

"Winning." Betty answered.

They laughed, and the blonde explained their itinerary. 

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