Chapter Nine - Necessary Evil

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 “EVERYBODY GET INSIDE RIGHT NOW!” Dexen screamed at the top of his lungs, waving at everyone who was still outside wandering like lost puppies.

He and Annetta helped little kids and elderly people walk up the large stairs while Riley stood at the entrance, watching them all with curiosity. Nobody smiled, they didn't even look at him as he opened the door and held it there. They were all scared and confused.

Some of the younger people recognized Riley; he could tell by their expressions when they saw him. They looked like they had seen a ghost. He could be one, with his new pale skin and deathly look in his eyes. He knew them through his sister, but he wouldn't say they were friends. He was sure they'd think differently, but not anymore. Not after Fiona disappeared and all eyes were suspiciously on Riley.

“Is that everybody?” Riley asked his brother when he walked up the stairs to the school.

“No, I know there's a lot of people out there. They're probably hiding in their homes or still trying to figure out what's happening. But we don't have the time to search the entire town for everyone,” Dexen said, looking around to see if he missed anyone. Or if luckily he'd notice someone.

“What do we do now then?”

“Get a few dozen adults into a class room and I'll tell them what's gonna happen so that they can tell everyone else,” Dexen said.

“Won't it be difficult to convince them about magic?” Annetta asked as she walked behind us into the school.

“I'll show them my magic then,” Dexen said, smiling from the corner of his mouth.

“Oh,” she said. “Yeah, I guess that would work.”

Dexen went to find a couple of adults who looked like they would be easier to persuade into believing in magic. Riley and Annetta found some who had friendly faces, those definitely looked like they could trust. After gathering them, they went into a class room and closed the door.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Dexen and I'm here to tell you something that might be hard to believe, but trust me, it's all real,” Dexen began his speech, looking at them all in the eyes and smiling confidently. “I'm sure you're all aware of what is happening outside, and if you don't, then you might want to grab something to hold on to.”

The ones who knew each other exchanged worried expressions. The rest just looked at Dexen with blank stares and big alerted eyes. They might have picked the nicest people, but not the strongest. They should have gotten the ones that wouldn't faint at the sight of a cockroach.

“Magic is real,” he continued, getting a couple of gasps and some other chuckles. “It's real and it's scary. What's happening outside is chaotic, and it's all because of a witch named Jocelyn. She has trapped the town, so there is no way out except through dying.”

“Is this a joke?” a woman said.

“No, it's not a joke. This witch has summoned the dead from the graves and is using them to kill everybody, and to make things worse, demons have also entered the town, making it a war of survival.”

“Show them your magic,” Annetta said, who was standing by the door watching to see if anyone was trying to peek in.

“This witch has blocked all other witches in the town, preventing them from using their magic. But I have tattoos on my body made specifically for moments like these when I can't use magic.” Dexen took off his shirt, doing a quick twirl to show the people his moving tattoos. “Each symbol on my body represents a spell. Any of you see one that you like?”

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