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                                                              ~ April 13th, 1774~19 years earlier ~

"Jeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan," Quick footfalls could be heard approaching the bedchamber. 

“Anna…cherie...are you...are you okay? Should I call Marie” Jean bent over to catch his breath. He had run to her at the sound of her shrieking his name. 

"Yes, QUICKLYYYY!" Anna panted. Her face was a sickly shade of purple. Her usually beautiful, even features contorted as another contraction hit.

"Just breathe, cherie. You'll be fine, I promise!"

Sweat dripped off Jean's face. He knew Anna's state was diminishing quickly. Doctors were called on from near and far, yet nothing could cure her.  All the money in the world couldn't help her. He was praying for a miracle!

"Marie, come quickly," Jean bellowed. "It's time!"

Marie rushed to Anna's bedside after instructing Jean to wait outside. Jean paced back and forth in front of their bed chamber as memory after memory assaulted him.Please Lord, just let her be all right! I promise I would do anything, give thousands and thousands of dollars to the church and to the poor and needy, if you just PLEASE let her get through this! Jean prayed, as he thought about his beautiful wife, Annabel, about to give birth to his second child.

He remembered the day she made him the proud father of a healthy son. How she had a glow around her and was eagerly anticipating her first birth. But this...this was just wrong. There was no healthy glow, there was no anticipation. Anna was tired, simply exhausted, but persevering for his sake, and for her son's sake. Which was one of the qualities he loved about his wife. Her perseverance, her selflessness, her drive to please everyone, her kindness. He remembered their wedding, oh they were but strangers then, a marriage match based on wealth. But now, oh gosh, how he loved his wife. He wanted to be by her side right now, to tell her how much he loved her, how much she meant to him, to see her beautiful, reassuring smile.

He barged into the bed chamber just as soon as a loud wail broke out. Marie was carrying the bundle towards Anna and placed it gently in her arms. Jean was frozen in place, frozen by the instant rush of emotions this scene brought to him. His wife -- and in her arms, his child. He rushed foreword and crouched down to his wife's level. He tilted her head towards him and stared right into her beautiful violet eyes. He could see the pride and love in her eyes but he could also see the tiredness, she tried to keep at bay, creeping in. Once there was a struggle but now you could see she has accomplished what she wanted and wasn't resisting the pull anymore.

"Anna...mon cherie...how are you feeling? Please don't give up on us, cherie, you know I love you very much and I need you. Jacques needs you, our child needs you! Please...for us..keep fighting it!" desperation rang in Jean's voice as it shook with emotion.

"Jean...call Jacques...I want to speak to all of you!" Anna rasped, dejection evident in her voice. Jean's shoulder's fell as he realized the enormity of the situation. Not wanting to leave his wife's side for even a minute, he sent Marie to fetch Jacques.  Marie brought back seven year old Jacques who was rubbing his eyes sleepily. His eyes lit up instantly as they fell upon his mother and ran to jump to her side. Jean caught him just in time before he could hurt his mother. Jean shushed Jacques and as soon as Jacques glanced at his mothers eyes a grave expression fell over his face, realizing the seriousness of the moment, despite his young age.

Anna took a deep breath and looked at the faces of all the people she held dear to her heart. Starting with her husband. she stared into his eyes and searched his face as if trying to memorize every line she raised her hand and stroked his cheek. he captured her hand, turned it and placed a kiss in her palm. she looked at her beautiful son, who looked so much like his father. she placed a kiss along his cheek. And then glanced down at her child, still cradled in her arms.

"I love you all!" She rasped, "Please take care of each other for me. Don't let my memory die….Jean tell them about me, remind them of my love for them…Marie, watch over them for me, as I will be watching over them from heaven."

Marie stood in the corner, her heart breaking at the sight of the family she considered her own. She was deeply saddened by the thought that the woman who rescued her from her abusive father and hired her as her own personal maid and companion, was not to live much longer.

A very soft moan broke Marie out of her reverie "Marie," croaked Anna.

"Yes my lady" responded Marie coming closer to the bed where she could hear her voice better. 

"Marie…..turn her into…. *cough* *deep inhale* ….into a fine women" Anna wheezed. "And name her……...name her Anna"

Marie clutched Anna's hand as Anna turned her face towards her daughter, a weak smile on her face until her arm muscles relaxed and her eyes closed peacefully, still with the smile on her face.

A sob ripped out of Marie's . As she took the bundle and cradled it to her chest. Jean stormed out of the room, without a second glance. The slam of the front door ricqueting  through the house. 

"Whose….*hiccup* going to take care of us now?" Jacques asked, tears silently streaming down his face.

Marie's heart broke at the innocent child's question, as she gathered him into her arms. "Don't worry Jacques. I will take care of you…both of you. I promise!"


Well here's the second chapter :) Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! Just a note: each chapter will have a date, just so you can keep up with the chronology of the story. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love y'all,


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