#5-Jack Avery (sk8r boi)

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(Based on Avril Lavigne's Sk8r Boi)

(Y/N) Point of View
I was walking through the city just looking for something to do. As I was walking I heard someone shout.


I turned around and instantly jumped out of the way seeing the local skater boy Jack Avery zoom past me going god knows where.

"SORRY (Y/N)!" He shouts and continues on his way. Wait he knows my name? Since when?!

Here's the thing. I kinda like him as in I think he's cute but I don't really know him. I just know he's known as the skater boy. And that a lot of girls are trying to get with him. So what chance would I have? I'm just average. And he doesn't date. At least I think he doesn't. 

(Spongebob time skip voice) two days later
Walking into school everyone keeps looking at me and whispering to each other. I walk over to my friend Jess with a confused look and ask her why everyone is looking at me.

"I guess it's because of Jack Avery." She says not giving much detail and confusing me even more.

"And what do I have to do with him?"

"I heard he was talking yesterday and he said something about you being kinda cute and now everyone's talking about it. You know, cause he doesn't just call anyone cute."

Jack Avery called me cute?! I guess it was so much of a shock that I didn't even notice that my jaw had fallen open until Jess said something about it.

"Close your mouth! He's coming over..." she says focusing on something in her locker.

"Hey (y/n), can I talk to you?" Jack says as he reaches me.

"Umm... sure... yeah!" I say quietly and start to walk next to him when he takes my hand and pulls me into an empty science room.

"So I guess you've heard?" He says locking eyes with me.

"Heard what?" I say completely forgetting about my conversation with Jess and getting lost in his deep chocolate eyes.

"Well... there's been talk of me saying some things and I just wanted to tell you face to face."

"Well what are those things?"

"Well, I think you're pretty cute. And I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out... or go on a date with me...?" My mind and my heart are thinking the same thing right now. Jack Avery doesn't date. Take the opportunity! So I do what my heart, and mind, are telling me and say,

"I would love to go on a date with you, Jack Avery."


(A/N) Hope you liked this!  This didn't really seem like it was based off of Sk8r Boi by Avril Lavigne but it was just the fact that Jack is a skater that made me think of this song so yeah! Remember to comment, vote, and if you want, send some requests or some ideas! Thanks!

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