#4- Jonah Marais (brothers best friend)

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(Y/N)'s Point of View
My brother finally decided that I could meet his band mates. I know their names I just don't know their faces. If your wondering, my brother is Corbyn Besson.

Anyways he is going to pick me up in about half an hour and we are going to have lunch with them. I would say I'm nervous but I'm just really excited! I've been asking for months to meet his friends but he kept turning me down because he "didn't want any of them to make a move on his little sister."

I'm only a year younger than him! He'll be 19 soon and I'll be 18 a week and a half afterwards. He's honestly too overprotective. But he's my brother so I gotta love him!

I'm brought out of my train of thought by Corbyn knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come on (Y/N), their ready to meet you," he says opening my door as I get up from laying on my floor out of boredom.

"Well lets go then!" I say rushing down the stairs and out the door to his car.


Once we arrived at the restaurant, which coincidentally happens to be my favourite, B-Dubs, Corbyn walked up to four cute guys and motioned for me to join them. When I walk over Corbyn introduced me and they all introduced themselves.

"Hey I'm Zach Herron. Nice to meet you," the one that kinda reminded me of a baby panda said first reaching over the table to shake my hand.

"I'm Jack Avery," said one with really cute curly hair.

"Daniel Seavey," this one had gorgeous blue eyes.

"I'm Jonah Marais," said the last one. I looked up at him and just start into his eyes as he shook my hand not bothering to move it afterwards.

It felt like all I could see at the moment was his eyes. I don't know what this feeling is right now but I kinda like it!

Again I'm taken out of my train of thought by my brother squeezing in between us making Jonah release my hand. 

"Alright, names are now put with faces so let's order. (Y/N) you sit by the wall," Corbyn said looking rather frustrated.

As I sit down I notice Jonah sat down in front of me. We make eye contact again and just stare until Jack decides to break the silence between all of us.

"Okay love birds order what you want then you can go back to staring at each other!"

At this we both look down blushing like crazy. We tell the waitress what we want and keep our heads down.

"Hey! That's my sister noodle head!" I laugh at my brothers statement and the others join in except for him cause he's still mad at Jacks choice of words.

I feel something hit my foot under the table and I look under it to see nothing but Jonah's feet suspiciously close to mine. I look up and he's pretending to be interested in the T.V.s above our heads, looking like he was trying not to laugh. I tap his feet with mine and he looks at me while I smile and quietly giggle.

We go back and forth hitting each other's feet while we eat and talk to the others as well. Once we're all almost done he goes to tap my shin and ends up hitting the pole under the table making it shake roughly almost sending our drinks into our laps.

I start laughing because it was just too funny not to! He joins me and the others give us weird looks as we continue to laugh.

We keep laughing until Corbyn glares at us. We try to stop but we end up looking at each other and laughing again!

"What's so funny?" Zach asks looking very confused.

"Jonah-! He-he kick-!Table," I try to explain while laughing and trying to calm down. They all just give me weird looks and go back to eating.


As Corbyn and I head back to the car I hear Jonah call me back.

"Hey can I get your number? And can I get it before  Corbyn takes you away?" He asks looking behind me. I look as well and see my brother looking pretty mad. It's honestly kind of funny!

"Yeah, its (your number)," I say after he pulls out his phone.

"Okay now get back to your brother before he comes over here and questions me," he says chuckling a little at the end. 

"I guess I'll see you later then?" I say backing away. 



(A/N) this is a pretty long one. Umm... next I'm probably gonna do one for Jack! So yeah that'll be up whenever I write it!

If you have a request or any ideas just message me!

Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment! I wanna hear your opinions!

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