Branch, Chapter 14: Tragedy Strikes...

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Overtime, I knew something was wrong. I mean, even though I got to live with my crush, I noticed that Grandma and King Peppy's relationship worsened. They always argued all the time, and they weren't as happy as they used to be.

"Why weren't you watching the kids like you were supposed to," Grandma yelled to King Peppy one day.

"What do you mean," he responded. "I thought you said you would watch them."

"No, I asked you to watch them. And where have you been lately?? You've been leaving the house a lot lately."

"I was just making sure everything in our society was running smoothly, that's all."

But he wasn't.

About four years after King Peppy moved in, Grandma found out that he was cheating on her. He kept constantly leaving because he wanted to be with this new troll. Literally, the day after Grandma found out, she forced him to leave.

Including Poppy.

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