Chapter Two

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On The Road

I bolted around the house to quickly finish packing. My suitcase was already stuffed with four different shirts, three leggings and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Then, there was my fat hairbrush and bathroom getup that I needed. As well as my phone charger. Also, the mini make up bag I carry around whenever I know I'll need it. In there is only foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Because my father always told me I had natural beauty, I never got much make up. I promised him that I wouldn't cover my face with powder and stuff like that, and just because he's dead doesn't mean I've broken that promise. 

"Layla!" Zuri yelled from outside the small Buick car we were going to be using on the road trip. I rolled my eyes as I quickly dashed into my room to put my special stuffed animal into the suitcase before I zipped it up and rolled it all the way to the car. "We gotta go now so we can make it to the hotel." I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her before I opened the trunk and forced my suitcase into it, right next to Zuri's and her other bags. 

After that, I closed it and plopped myself down on the driver's seat before I backed out of the driveway. "Are you excited? To see your favourite band, anyway? You have never shut up about them for months." Zuri snickered as she kicked her feet up on that dashboard and glanced toward me. 

"It feels pretty good. I mean, I ordered the tickets two days ago, so that was good. We may not have the best seats but at least we got them. Plus, they're having a signing so I am practically praying that they'll be able to sign my CDs and my posters." I nodded, following along with her train of thought as I pulled onto the highway, which was basically the start of this five hour journey we had planned out. "I'm more focused on the drummer and the singer's autographs, though. The guitarist doesn't really do much." I raised an eyebrow at her but kept my mouth shut, since she wasn't done blabbing. "He strums his guitar like mad until he just stops and starts banging his head around as if he's got all the balls. I mean, no. He's the weirdest one out of the group." I let out a little chuckle at that, but I shot her a glance as if to tell her to continue. "I dunno, he just doesn't seem to fit in with the others. Maybe it's because of all of his fangirls or something. So many people think he's hot."

"Well, I mean, he kind of is," I murmur in response. 

"I didn't ask for your opinion," She shot at me with a playful grin, indicating that she wasn't serious. "Kidding," she whispered before she turned to look out of her window. I smirked gently as I continued to drive down the highway, knowing full well I'd have to drive for another five hours. It wasn't the worst time distance for driving, but it wasn't one of my favourite things to do. Usually I'd get bored halfway through the drive and want to sing, but everyone else is sleeping or grumpy from the drive. I usually just get irritated because of the bloody heat, since the air conditioning sucks in the car. But, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not like I have lessons about how to fix those kinds of things. Mom isn't one for mechanics or anything of the sort. Dad wasn't either, but he still knew his way around instructions that were put all over the internet. 


By the time we were an hour away from the hotel, I realized how hungry I was. My stomach was growling like crazy and nothing I did would stop the monster growling inside of me. Anyone around me, that happened to be awake, would probably look at me as if I was converting into a wild zombie that was about to attack them just for their brains. I mean, I don't have green skin but I might as well since I always have to cover up my ache with a green cream. But I could always stop doing that! 

"Zuri," I whispered as I glanced toward her after I parked by a gas station. When she didn't stir, I raised my eyebrows and repeated her name. "Zuri," I dragged on her name a little longer than the last, but still in a low, quiet voice. When she still didn't squirm, I smirked slowly and yelled "Zuri!" 

What happened next made me laugh my face off. Zuri bolted up in her seat as if she was in the middle of having a seizure and she looked like she was getting shocked. She had screamed and scrambled for her seat belt buckle but when she realized it was only me in the car with her, she let out a deep sigh and growled at me. "You're so mean, Layla! Why would you do that? I was dreaming of the drummer! Gosh,'re such a boob face." 

I looked down at my chest and tilted my head slightly. "Well, I mean, I have two boobs, but they aren't big enough to be considered my face." With ease, I brought my hands to my breasts and cupped them before squeezing them. "They're like stress balls." 

"You're so disgusting," She commented as she looked me over with playful disgust. 

"No I'm not! When you got two free stress balls on your chest, you gotta use them to their full abilities! I'm already calmed down." I smirk as I give each of my boobs a final squeeze. All I got in reply from Zuri was an eye roll before she unbuckled herself from her seat and left the car. I followed her into the store after I jumped out of the car.    

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