Chapter Four

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Mixed First Impressions

Well, it wasn't much as a perfect first meeting, especially since Max kept trying to push Zuri away from him, claiming that he needed more space than the average person, though he was thinner than most guys I've met. The only thing that looked thicker than the rest of his body was his biceps, and his butt, which wasn't the greatest looking butt. Oh, who was I kidding? He looked good and I couldn't help the little open mouth I got whenever I stared a little too long in his direction. But I couldn't like him, no. He was a jerk, and I wasn't about to steep that low. Wait, what am I even talking about? 

After I had pulled Zuri away from Oli and Max, Max had forced himself in and plopped himself down on one of the two queen sized beds. Oli had looked apologetically toward me before he tried to lure Max out with his voice, but nothing worked. Not even when Zuri jumped onto the bed with him. Oh my gosh, no! Stop thinking so dirty, guys. No, she wasn't going into his pants and he wasn't tearing her clothes off. Geez. What happened was eventually Max fell asleep and Zuri stared at him as she laid on her side beside him. Oli and I had kept our distance, almost scared to wake up Max and lead Zuri's attention to Oli, rather than on the cold hearted singer. 

Oli gently leaned his lips down to my ear, which sent shivers down my spine as if a strike of lightning had hit me full force. Well, it felt that, even when I had heard his mouth open slowly. It was when his voice left his mouth when the shivers increased. "How long is this gunna last?" His words had no meaning the first time I replayed it in my head. Or the second. It was around the fourth time when I heard his voice ring in my head when I realized what he had said, and what he had meant. 

I opened my mouth to reply, but not a sound came out. So, instead of my normal kind of response, I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention to his face, which was closer than I had thought it was in the first place. He had stayed where he was for at least a minute, his eyes not moving from mine, until we both realized at the same moment what we were doing. Instead of a look of disgust, a smirk curled on his lips as he obviously held in a little chuckle. 

"I'm hungry," he whispered, only loud enough for me to hear. And before I could register those words, he grinned and turned away so carefully that it seemed like nothing moved at all. Zuri still rested on her side, mesmerized by the boy snoring ever so soundly beside her, her back facing us as his rested on the mattress. He looked so at peace, so calm and different than his usual dick self. At least, that's how he treated me the first second he saw me. 

After a little bit more staring, I turned away from the two and headed in the direction Oli had not too long ago. It had taken me a moment of glancing around before I realized that a door I hadn't noticed before was open. It was a small little room, small enough to fit not much more than two people in it. Okay, I know what you're thinking. It sounds cheesy and guessed for, but just sit back and enjoy what will happen. This won't end with a make out session or a murder. 

I walked toward it and watched as Oli looked around the shelves, full with candy, chips and other junk food that had prices written on the free section of the side wall of the pantry on white paper. He was looking through the kinds of sour gummies before he looked over and offered me a smile. "Hey, come in and pick out whatever you want. It'll be on me."

A big grin curled onto my lips before I took a step in. But my ankle got caught on the pantry door and before I could react quick enough to stop it, it shut and I was wrapped in Oli's arms yet again. The lights in the pantry stayed on for a little while as we stayed like that, as if afraid to speak or move for some odd reason. I didn't know what to do or if time had stopped, but eventually I focused on his breathing. The inhale and exhale he had on repeat had taken all of my attention before I realized my back was pressed against his chest. Okay, so let me admit that I was feeling some major butterflies in my gut and chills everywhere on my body. 

"Are you okay?" He whispered into my ear, just as gentle as he had done when we were watching Max sleep while Zuri watched him. His voice was raspy, just enough to have a little edge to the gentle deeper voice he had. And I was completely mesmerized. Nothing was capturing my attention more than the movement of his chest against my back as he breathed in and out. Well, nothing besides the Skittles sitting on the shelf to my right. 

Instead of letting words exit my mouth, I nodded and very gently felt his arms lift away from around me. The tingles were left behind, and a new kind of chill crept the areas where he had touched. But before I could get too caught up in the new feelings I had, or the beautiful sight of the sour Skittles, the lights turned off and the both of us were engulfed in the darkness. 

And there was silence. One that I wasn't sure if I enjoyed or hated. There was something off about it, but not in the bad sense. No. But it was silence that was held purposefully onto, as if it were not there, something would happen that no one would have control over. And though I wanted that silence broken just to see what would happen, I didn't. I kept my mouth shut and breathed slowly so I wouldn't make a sound. 

But then it broke. 

He twirled me around to face him and then his lips were on mine in a second. And I don't know how, but my lips danced against his as if they had always meant to meet. The tingles running around my body were much more compared to before. His hands held onto my waist firmly, as if almost scared I'd take a step back from him, but when I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him back, he squeezed my sides gently as if saying a silent apology.

Okay, so I may have lied...we did end up kissing. For a while. A long, long while. And after he pulled away gently so we could catch out breaths, I felt renewed and vulnerable. We stayed silent as we caught our breaths, and when our hearts both stopped beating, he pecked my lips. 

The second the warmth of his lips left mine, the pantry door opened, and I jumped away from Oli as if I was terrified of him. 

"What the.." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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