Chapter 1

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This is the first chapter I hope it turns out alright it may be a little short I don't know yet. 


Another exhausting day I thought as I got out of bed. Everyday was always the same. Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed I thought. I took a shower and got dressed. I did my hair. I put on some eyeliner. I ate and banana and grabbed my car keys. I drove to work when I got there I put on my apron and walked behind the counter. I wasn't one of the people who was extremely fake and polite when someone ordered food. I just asked them normally not with that annoying high pitched voice and fake smile. I waited for someone to come and order something. 

"Hello, love. May I have a french vanilla coffee." He said

"Sure that will be $2.40" I said I looked up as he handed me the money I realized it was Ian Somerhalder as in Boone from lost and Damon from vampire diaries. I decided to keep my cool and not say anything. I gave him his change and he went to go pick up his coffee. 

The rest of the day at work went by. When work was over I got into my and drove home. I changed into pajamas and made some dinner for myself. I realized that Bates Motel was on tonight since it was monday. There was still a couple hours until it came on so I just listened to music. I've listening to nirvana and arctic monkeys a lot so I decided to listen to them. I was currently reading the perks of being a wallflower so I read that while waiting. I was so into the book when I looked at the clock it was 10:02. 

"Shit!." I spoke out loud

I ran out to the living room and grabbed the remote to turn the tv on. I didn't miss that much on the show so I'm good. I carried on watching the show and right after that I fell asleep.


The next few days went by quickly then it was saturday. I never did much on the weekends besides go to the beach and go shopping and stuff. I ended up going to the beach today. It was cloudy and windy today so I would probably just walk around and take pictures and stuff. I did my "morning routine" and I got dressed in a pair of acid wash jeans, v-neck shirt and a flannel. I grabbed my camera and keys and walked out the door.

There wasn't really anyone at the beach today because of the weather. I took some pictures of the waves and differen't things. I heard someone else walking but I ignored it. I took some more pictures. 

"Nice pictures." I heard someone say

"Thanks." I said as I turned around. I noticed it was Ian. It was seriously the second time I've seen him this week. 

"Don't I know you from somewhere." He said

"Uh.. yeah I think so from the cafe?" I said 

"Oh yeah I remember now. I'm Ian." He said holding his hand out for me to shake

"I'm Imogen." I said shaking his hand

"Do you wanna go grab a coffee? He asked

"Sure." I said. This would be the fist time in while I actually "went out" with someone. I think its going to be alright. 

"Okay do you wanna meet at the cafe in an hour?" He said

"Yeah." I say. I wasn't great at talking to people. I was extremely awkward and didn't really say that much

"Do you want me to give you my number?" He asked

"Sure." I handed him my phone and he typed his number in 

"See ya' in an hour I guess." He said smiling

"I guess so." I said smiling back

I walked back to my car and got in. I kinda just smilied for a minute. I couldn't believe that he asked me to get a coffee with him. I didn't know if was a date or not but it was still nice I guess. When I got home their was still 40 mintutes until it was time to go. I reapplied my eyeliner and redid my hair. While I was waiting I watched youtube videos. I looked at the clock it was 5:50. It only took 10 mintutes to get there so good timing. I got into my car and drove there. When I arrived it was exactly 6:00 I waited a minute because if I went in now that would be creepy since its exactly 6:00. I went in and I got in line to get a coffee. I ordered a coffee.

"That will be $2.10." She said. I was about to hand the lady the money.

"Its alright. I got it." Someone said. I realized that it was Ian

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah." He said as he handed the money to the lady

I got my coffee and Ian got one to. We sat down at a small table. I took a sip of my coffee and it was really hot. I made a weird face when it burned my tongue. 

"Are you alright?" Ian asked 

"Yeah the coffee just burned my tongue." I said laughing a little

"And thanks for getting my coffee for me." I said

"No problem." He said

We talked and told eachother about ourselves. He even told me one of his embarassing stories and I couldn't stop laughing. It was really fun and we laughed a lot. I haven't really laughed in a while and it felt good to laugh. Ian was really funny and nice and his is quite attractive. 


"I had a really good time." I said

"I did to." He said

"We should do this do this again sometime." I say

"We should." Ian says 

A/N: I think it turned out alright I kinda rushed it a little but I didn't wanna make it extremely slow in the first chapter and if the age difference is a problem to you don't read it then. But anyway I'm probably not gonna update that often I don't know yet like probably once a week maybe.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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