I Knew You Were Trouble...some? (ShikaTema Fic)

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Hi Minna~! I decided to do this fic because I really love ShikaTema more than any other Naruto pairings. Please Forgive me if there are some grammatical errors. Hihi. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

●Character Description●

(For those who watch Naruto, you can skip this and proceed to the first chapter. Thanks)

Temari is a prudent, stoic, and blunt individual who is rarely afraid to speak her mind. Temari bears great resemblance to her mother with her teal eyes and blonde hair, which is gathered into four ponytails. She wears a short-sleeved, black kimono that reaches down to her legs, with slits along the side and a revealing neckline. While she retains a red sash tied around her waist, she sported fingerless black gloves and wore her forehead protector on her forehead. (Because she wore it around her neck loosely before) Temari is a highly skilled kunoichi that specialises in long-range combat. Temari is a keen analyst, able to easily deduce an opponent's strategies and weaknesses soon after a battle begins.

Shikamaru was born into the Nara clan to Shikaku and Yoshino. He has a long-standing friendship with Chōji Akimichi. Shikamaru Nara was the sort of unenthusiastic kid who liked to watch clouds. He preferred not to get involved in "troublesome" activities, pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does not like fighting, deeming it, as he does to most things, "troublesome". In fact, his most commonly used phrase is "how troublesome." However, when duty calls, Shikamaru has a strong moral compass and sense of commitment towards his comrades. Even though, by his own testimony, he lacks bravery, he will sacrifice himself and face almost certain death, for the sake of his friends and/or villagers without a second thought. He has shoulder length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail and narrow brown eyes. He wore by a pair of stud earrings which were given to him by Asuma Sarutobi. He retains his flak jacket, along with a black long sleeved shirt paired with matching pants and sandals, and green lined mesh armour on his wrists and ankles. The placement of his headband is the same as before, but only the metal part is visible.

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