Sleepless Nights

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A/N: I wrote this back in July...I realized I never posted it. I copy and pasted it from AO3 but apparently I forgot to click publish. Whoops. Anyways I wrote this for a friends birthday so aaaa. Yeah! The cover is fanart from the same person I made this fic for! Their user is falione on instagram if you'd like to follow them for more DR arts uwu anyways, hope you like it <3

At 2 am in the Gifted Inmates Academy, Ouma was woken up by the annoying ring of the landline in his room. The students were all given phones, but they were only allowed to call each other. There would be a button with a small pixelated image of each student, indicating their residency. This was helpful at times when the group wanted to set up certain meetings. You would call one and let them know, and then they would spread the message and so forth. It wasn't exactly a bad idea, but at the moment Ouma sorta loathed the device for waking him up.

He groaned, rolling on his stomach and lazily reaching a hand over to answer the phone. His hands slipped off the phone a couple times in his attempts to reach it, but he finally got it, he was in an even worse mood. "What." He practically fumed, feeling like whoever it was that was calling him had better have a good reason for doing so.

"Ahhh Ouma-kun! I'm sorry for waking you! I seem to forget to check the hour whenever I call you. Shall I hang up?" The moment that Kiibo began to speak, Ouma's mood had completely changed. He let out a small sigh of relief at the voice. It was just his boyfriend, Kiibo. He really didn't mind when the other called him. Kiibo was just so precious in Ouma's eyes.

Ouma laughed softly as he turned over on his bed to get into a more comfortable position. "No Kiibo it's fine. If it's you, you can wake me up at any hour. I love spending time with my robot," he mused, a blush creeping up onto his cheeks at the words.

Kiibo gasped and let out a string of incoherent words before mustering out, "don't say things like that!" Ouma didn't have to be with the other to know that he was trying to cover his face with his free hand.

"But it's the truth Kii-boy! Would I ever lie?" He hummed, but continued quickly with a "to you."

"I suppose not," Kiibo sighed, but laughed right afterwards. "I know you would never lie to me, Ouma. I trust you completely y'know," he added, causing Ouma's breath to hitch. He couldn't help but feel his heartstrings be pulled at such words. He wondered if Kiibo was able to feel these kind of things as well. He wondered if Kiibo could feel the same kind of love that Ouma felt for him.

The small dictator huffed softly, grabbing a fistful of his bedsheets to try and contain his embarrassment rather than letting out an awkward type of squeal, which Kiibo would probably find cute or something, but Ouma felt like he had an image to keep. "Did you want me to come over tonight?" he whispered into the phone. Ouma purposely kept his voice low because he didn't like to think that Monokuma could hear his conversation with the other. He liked their conversations to be private, but how private could they really be when Monokuma was basically keeping an eye on them at all times?

"N-No that's fine Ouma! There's no need for that," Kiibo quickly answered, making Ouma become suspicious. Why didn't Kiibo want Ouma to come over? Their rooms were literally right next to each other. "It's because-" Kiibo continued again, automatically ceasing Ouma's train of thought. "I'm scared I wouldn't be able to say what I want if we were face-to-face. I've always been shy with things like this, especially when it comes to romance. I'm not a human like you guys so it's not easy for me..." He trailed off, sighing at the thought of him not being a human.

"That's not true!" Ouma seethed, practically growling. "Don't talk about yourself like that! You're not just a robot! You're practically a human! Heck, I tend to forget you're a robot at times. I mean your appearance is a dead reminder that you are a robot, but that's not the point! Your reactions to things match those of a human. If anything, you're more of a human than the stupid heartless classmates we're stuck with," Ouma grumbled. "All of us try to suppress how we really feel, which is why I always seem so cool and casual about the romantic things I say that have you turn the cutest shade of red-" He stopped, feeling like he was revealing too much of his soft side, but reminded himself that this was for Kiibo's sake so he continued. "When you get embarrassed by the things I say, my God Kiibo I get so happy. I always feel like turning bright red just like you. I get all giddy by your reactions and I just want to spoil you with affection because you deserve to know every aspect of what it's like to be human, and I know you probably haven't experienced much love."

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