June 2nd

18 1 0

"Alright kids we are here!" Pete says unbuckling Saint.

"Pete do you think it's a good idea to let Brendon and Ryan he'll us buy things we need for the party?" Patrick asked Pete. Patrick opened the car door for Knox.

"Hmm... Now that I think about it... Yeah! It's a good idea, as long as they don't bump into eachother. Why does it matter to you? Your the one that wanted both Ryan and Brendon to attend to the party" Pete said knocking on the door.

The door opened revealing a tall man with messy hair and is wearing shorts... That are above the knee. "Oh hey! Didn't know you were coming so early" Dallon said sounding a but embarassed that Patrick and Pete seeing him in shorts.

"Knox. Saint." Pete said looking down to his two sons. "This is Dallon. He will be taking care of both you, while daddy is gone for business okay?" The two smaller boys nodded and ran inside the house. "Thanks again for letting my kids stay with you while I'm gone" Pete thanked.

"It's no probl-"

"HEY SIR! Your very tall! You have very long legs" Knox interrupted Dallon. Knox looked up to Dallon and smiled. Patrick tried so hard not to laugh.

"Bye. Take good care of my kids Dallon" Pete laughed. Both Pete and Patrick walked off and entered into Pete's car and sat there in silence.

"That conversation earlier" Patrick began. "I wanted Ryan to come so he wouldn't feel left out. He wasn't invited to Smith's and Urie's wedding. I feel awful that he didn't get invited so I want him to attend to your party. Also I honestly want Urie and Ross to talk again." Patrick said.

"Yeah. I agree" Pete let out a loud sigh. "I'll text Ryan and tell him the list of drin- alcohol we need. Then he will drop them off at my place. While you and I will go to the bakery and get a cake ready by June 5th." Pete said texting Ryan about the drinks. Patrick stared at him confused. Pete knows what Patrick is about to ask. "I know what your going to ask. What about the food? Well Andy, Joe, Dallon, and I will making food before the party"

Patrick looked around and realized they are still parked outside of Dallon's house. "Pete" Patrick gave Pete a small shove. "We are still at Dallon's"

Pete looked up from his phone and Patrick was right. They are still parked in front of Dallon's house and Pete hasn't even turned the engine on. "Brendon and Ryan says they will be on it." Pete turned the engine on. "OFF TO BAKERY FOR CAKE" Pete started driving


"Thanks for taking care of my kids Dallon" Pete said.

"They can come anytime. Its no problem. Amelie and Knox had fun with them" Dallon said waving good bye to Knox and Saint.

"Bye Mr.long legs" Knox said.

"Buh bye giraffe" Saint giggled.

They all went to the car and drove back home. Pete notices 3 people outside his house. He knows Patrick is there but who is the other two men? Pete couldn't see who the two men are. Pete parked in his driveway. "Knox help your brother get out the car. Daddy has to do something" Pete ran to the front yard where the 3 men are. Oh. It was just Brendon, Ryan and Patrick. Wait. Brendon and Ryan? At same time? Breathing same air? No fight?

"Yeah take the things inside the kitchen" Patrick directed where Brendon and Ryan put all the things they bought. Brendon mumbled "okay" and Ryan nodded. They went to their cars and got things out.

"Trick. Has they spoken to each other?" Pete whispered to Patrick. Patrick shook his head.

Pete started questioning. How can they not recognize eachother? Are they cool now? Are they pretending they don't know each other? Pete doesn't know the answers to all his questions.

Finally Brendon and Ryan finished putting the things inside. "Thanks guys. I owe you two" Pete said with a fake smile.

"Your welcome" Ryan said waving goodbye to Patrick and Pete. Okay and maybe Brendon too.

"You know I'm always here if you need anything" Brendon said. "Uh also who is that guy?"

So Brendon doesn't recognize him huh? Should Pete say he's just a friend? Yeah! They are actually friends so it won't be lying. "A friend of ours" Pete answered.

"He seems Alright" Brendon turned around looking at Ryan driving off.

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