Its finally my first year as a senior. I can do whatever I want.
"Emma,Emma Grace" the teacher calls
"your like 20 and I'm only 17!"
will she be able to keep her secret love for her teacher or will she fail!
Today is my birthday and i'm really excited im going to be 18 so i can date who ever!
and im going to tell my mom about Grayson.........
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I get out of bed and grab my outfit i picked out. I called grayson last night and he told me to tel my parents so i will!!!
i go down stairs to where there is my teacher Grayson my Friend Bella and her boyfriend. i go up to the cake and sit down everyone get quiet i give Grayson the signal to leave. he walks out the door in his car and leaves.
MOM me and grayson are dating i said real fast then blowed out the candels. she had her mouth wide open......
I stood up and everyone heard what i said and they were just supprised.
so i broke the silence
"WOOHOO IM 18 I CAN DATE ANY ONE YAY!!!! i said sarcastically
My mom starts to smile she told me she loved my boyfriend and its ok.
i was really happy i got in my car and drove to his apartment.
i ran inside and he was on his bed waiting. i jump on him and we are now making out.
he is a really greate guy i love him!
I am then naked. i stop him real quick.
"Grayson ummm i'm a virgin..." you said.
"its OK im glad to be your first.."
he sticks it in and out and it feels like heaven he then comes out and i get on top im now controlling. this is so good why have i never done this before i ask my self.
We are no done I put on a hoodie of his and my jeans and shoes we are now cuddling he has shorts on but he is shirtless.
i think to my self OMG HE IS HOTTTT
I get up but he pulls me back down we are kissing and he asked for intrace with his tounge i let him in his tounge is roaming my mouth and then we get back to regular kissing.
His brother walks in.
"Hey bro im back from boxing! o um sorry" he said while scathing the back of his neck.
I pull away has grayson starts to kiss my neck.
i piont at Ethan and grayson pulls away.
his face is bright red......
" I'm Emma nice to meet you." i said shaking his hand.
"so are you old enough for him or....?????"
"im 18"
he gave me a look like o ok well im, embaressed bye....
i grab my purse and head out .
there was about 10 minutes untill school so i ran in and everyone was looking at me.
I waved and they started to whisper.
Grayson was in his classroom
i walk in
"Babe whats up with this school staring at me"
He looked up
"They know?"
i froze right there and i could not breathe.
i ran out of school and just ran home.
its been a week sense they found out me and grayson are still talking but the thing is i missed my period.
so i decided to go and get a test.
I peed on it and waited for about 15 minutes i come back and there it is im..........