Chapter Two

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It has been two months and I have fallen for my teacher!!

I'm only 17 your 20 I think in my mind!

I walk out of my room and go to my bathroom I grab a black band shirt and blue ripped jeans I slide my vans on and grab my backpack. I put my hair in a ponytail.

I head out the door waving bye to my mom. I drive myself and I walk in the double doors

Everyone stays away from me ever sense they knew I could fight! Its GREAT!!!

I walk in first period just me by myself and the teacher!!!!

I grab my book and I got to page 345 like he said.

"Emma,Emma Grace"


He turns around and walks to my desk he puts his hands down and leans down.

Its award but he is about 4 inches away from my face.

I sit up and kiss him for about 3 minutes until I pull away.

He the grabs me by my arm from my seat and we are laying on his desk making out.

Omg this feels so good!!!!

He then starts grabbing my butt and then the bell rings I jump up and he has a hickey on his neck I fix his shirt were you can't see it.

I grab my stuff and walk up to his desk.

And kiss his cheek and whisper call me.

I turn around and HD slaps my but I walk out and every body is just talking that there is some teacher dating a kid.

I just pretend not to hear.

I'm 17 your 20 is all I hear in my head!!!

Sorry this was short but I have to go I love you!!!:-)

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