Chapter 8

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Its been a week sense they had sex so yup!Ethan gets out of the shower and gets in sweatpants and black socks.

I change into a black shirt with blue sweat pants.

Me and Ethan's wedding is next week!

I'm excited I finally found love!!!

Sometimes when I'm washing dishes or cleaning Grayson pops into my head.

I would always think me and would get married and that we would have a family.

But today Ethan has to got to the doctor with Bailey.

So he puts a shirt on and shoes then he puts a dress on bailey with little socks.

He kisses me goodbye and leaves.

Ethan wants me to go back to school......

There is only 7 months left so I told him I will do I can graduate.

I put on a green shirt and blue jeans. I slide on converse and grab my bag. I get my phone and keys and walk out.

I get to school and I walk in.

People look at me.

My phone rings.

"Hey Babe"

Hey um we got some news on Bailey

"ReallyI say while opening my locker

Yeah she is a healthy baby girl

"Yay I'm happy oh and babe I'm at school so I have to go"

Bye babe

"Bye luv you"

He ended the call.

I then got a text.

ETH; luv you too babe

Awwwww I think to myself

I get to my first class.

Oh crap I forgot.....

Grayson is my first class

I walk in and its just him like when I came.

I sat down and pull out my English book.

"Hey welcome to...... Emma?"

"Hey I'm ready to learn" I said kinda laughing nervously

"So um I heard that you and Ethan are getting married."


"Emma why?"

"Cause he was there for me when you weren't OK he was always the one that listened OK!!! He would always text me when I'm down and because he is not cheating in his Wife!" I yell

He looks hurt..... I kinda feel bad now.....

"Damn Emma first after you fount out I was married the next day me and my wife got a divorce."

I walk up to him and hug him.

He cries into my shoulder

I'm sorry its just......

I'm pregnant with Ethan's baby.....

He looks at me.

He pushes me off.

You fucked him.

Yeah so

Well get the fuck out you god damn whore!!!

I run out of there crying..

I run out of the school

I call Ethan I need to tell him I'm pregnant before Grayson does.

Hey Emma what's up

Hey Ethan I'm pregnant with your baby

I'm going to be a real father!!! Well again!!!

Wait your not mad

No I'm happy!!

OK well I'm coming home cause me and Grayson had a fight

OK babe I'm home

I hung up and got home really fast.

I open the door.

Ethan was sitting on the couch watching football.

"Hey your home from school so.....

I cut him off by smashing my lips on his.

He picks me up and carries me to our room.(the baby has her own room)(weirdo)

Everything was perfect until.

We heard a bang sound.

Ethan hurryed up and got his shirt back on. His shirt was off but I still had my clothes on....we were just making out.....

Ethan grabs the baseball bat from behind the door.

He walks into the living room. It was raining out side.

Darkness filled the room I was holding a flashlight for him.

Then something touched me I screamed and Ethan hit it.

I turned on the lights that finally came back on.

I see Grayson laying there passed out.

Ethan makes me run upstairs to get a suitcase and put our clothes in I run in the babys room and change her real quick I then grab her clothes and stuff them in there.

Ethan turns the car on and we get inside and leave.....

What did he want.....

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