Sorry for not updating or anything for a while. I had my tablet taken away from me for 2 days so blame my dad and I'll try update all my books (somehow). I am also gonna DELETE Family of Wolves. Reason? I wanna make it longer because when I started Wattpad I thought 'Hey I'll make a fan fiction and try finish it!' I did finish it and it is THREE FRICKIN PARTS LONG!!! REALLY DOH IT'S SO FUCKING SHORT!!!!! So anyway I am gonna try rewrite it and make it longer. Ok? Ok. And I'll be deleting a few of my books. Why? Because I don't bother updating some of them because I try update my more popular books and my friend The_Angel_Wolf scares me half to death about updating a certain book. If you want more answers ask her. Ok? Ok. I realize I say that a lot but I COULDN'T GIVS A SHIT!!!!! And I have reread a lot of my books and I have noticed I have gotten some grammar and spelling wrong and I know why. I type fast and I usually get most of the chapters in some of my books done in one turn so I get some words and grammar wrong. Now that I have everything I want to explain explained I'll be watching YouTube so um BYYYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!