1. Meeting him

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Today was the day. I was going to meet my celebrity crush. I was currently in line, waiting to get a picture with him. I got a card, very much like the ones you give when it's someone's birthday, but now I just wrote a text on it, telling him how he was such a support for his fans, and my phone number. Of course, I knew he wasn't going to call me, but the least I could do was try.

It was almost time for me to walk up to him. The girl before me took a pose with him, like they were a happy couple walking in the park. Once the picture was taken she talked a bit before she had to leave him. It was my turn. I quickly walked up to him and gave him the card, he gave it to one of the bodyguards and told him to give it back to him when the meetings were over.

"What pose would you like doll?" Sebby asked me, using the word Bucky used to say to the girls.

"I haven't really thought about it, what's your favourite pose?" I asked him, hoping he'd understand where I wanted to go.

"What about the titanic one?" He asked me, I smiled. We both stood like we were on the boat. Once the picture was taking I turned around, facing Sebastian again.

"Thank you for the card, sorry I can't look at it now, but I promise you I will, once I'm back in my trailer," my crush admitted.

"That's all I could ask for, thanks for today Sebastian," I smiled to him, he showed me his famous smile.

"No problem at all, thank you again, for the card," Sebastian told me, right before I had to go and leave him.

I wandered around the Comic Con a bit before I went home. I didn't really buy anything, meeting Sebastian was expensive enough already. I went home by bus, not having a car. I lived in New York, the apartments are really expensive here out so I don't have much extra. I walked towards my apartment, it was little and quite old, but it was enough for me. I unlocked the door, got ready for bed and watched a movie before I actually went to sleep. 

I woke up to a weird sound my phone was making. I quickly looked at it, noticing it was a text from someone unknown. 

'Hey this is Sebastian, we met yesterday? Anyway I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go for a coffee with me?' 

The text made my day already, and it hadn't even started yet. But after five minutes of joy, I started thinking about the text, it may be fake, it may be a bet he made with his friends, he may asked me out of compassion. I didn't know what to do so I took a shower, I tend to do that a lot to think. After a long shower of about 20 minutes I decided to agree with the coffee. 

'I'd love to, my name is Camilla btw :)' I answered him, not knowing how he'd react back I made myself breakfast and started eating until my phone made that noise again.

'Let's meet at Charlie's? What do you think about 3'ish?' Sebastian texted back. I quickly agreed and started to dance around the apartment. I was meeting my crush, again! I never thought I'd meet him twice!

Reality ~ Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now