5. Goodnight kiss?

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Just like he promised Seb had told me the details by calling me on Thursday night. I had worked until today, not that I was complaining but I was a bit tired because of the long days. When Seb called me we talked the whole night, a silence never occurred. We laughed and I actually missed him, I had wished he was besides me on the couch so we could actually talk. I think Seb felt the same way because he didn't want to close the call either, he always found a new subject to talk about. 

Seb had told me he'd pick me up by 7, I also had to make sure I was wearing something warm since we were going to do something outside, and to wear easy shoes. As he told me this I had no idea what to think, something warm but shoes that I could easily take off. But like I promised, I was ready by 7 o'clock, wearing a T-shirt and a warm pull and some Nikes that were easy to take off. 

Precisely at 7 o'clock Seb sent me a text, telling me he was waiting. I walked downstairs and looked for his car. Someone flicked their car lights at me. Knowing it was Sebastian I walked over to the car and sat down on the passengers seat. 

"Hey handsome," I said to him as I clicked my seat belt on, referring to our last date. 

"Hello beautiful," Sebastian laughed as he restarted the car and drove off. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him as I nervously started picking on my hands. 

"Surprise," he told me as he took a turn. 

"But Sebby, I don't like surprises!" I whined like a little child. 

"Too bad Mila, you'll like this one though," Sebastian told me, I looked up by his new nickname for me. 

"Mila?" I asked him, not sure if I heard him correctly. 

"Yeah, it sounds better than Cam doesn't it?" he smiled at me before he looked at the traffic again. 

"I like it," I told him. Sebastian chuckled at my response. We soon arrived at the beach, of course, the beach! We both got out of the car, we put our shoes in the trunk and we walked towards the sand, hand in hand. 

"I never thought you were bringing me to the beach!" I told him, Seb squeezed my hand as we walked further to the water. 

"I did say you had to take off your shoes, where else do you take your shoes off?" Seb asked me rhetorically but I answered nonetheless. 

"At home," I laughed, Sebastian started laughing too. 

"Of course, but then you didn't need to dress warm," Seb told me, I nodded, I guess he was right. 

"How was work?" he asked me as we both were silent for a moment. 

"Alright, very busy though, it feels like everyone's car suddenly broke down or something," I told him, Seb started to smile. 

"Are you sure it's just about the car? Not that they wanted to see you work?" Seb commented, I didn't really know if he was joking or flirting with me. 

"I don't think they broke their car down themselves, I would be able to see that," I pointed out, which made Seb laugh uncontrollably. 

"Relax, I was just messing with you," Seb told me as he finished his laughter. I smiled at him. 

"Can I still ask you questions?" Seb asked me, of course I told him he could. 

"What happened with your parents?" he asked softly, obviously scared to hurt me. 

"They died a few years ago in a car accident, they were on their way back from their second honeymoon," I quickly answered, hoping I didn't have to give any more details. 

"Sorry," Seb commented as he smiled sadly at me. 

"They wouldn't want me to mope around but here I am, still mourning around their death 4 years after it happened,"

"I think if they were here today they would be proud, no matter what," Sebastian assured me, making me feel a little bit better. 

"They would, wouldn't they?" I smiled at him, he grinned at me in response. 

"Of course they would, why wouldn't they?" Sebastian smiled, squeezing my hand again. 

"Thanks Seb, I needed that," I told him, stopping for a moment to look at the water. 

"Hey, I'm here for you," he assured me as I looked at the sunset. 

"How are your parents? I mean, I know you're very close to your mom but I never read anything about your dad?" I asked him, he immediately smiled at the thought of them. 

"Oh, my father lives in America, I obviously don't see him as much as my mom but I talk to him every now and then. My mom is amazing, you should meet her one day, I'm sure the two of you will get along just fine," Seb told me, I grinned at the thought of him with his parents. 

"I'd love to, if your mom want to meet you too of course," I told him honestly. 

"I'd call her, but she's probably asleep already," Seb told me, we both walked further on the beach. 

"Too bad, next time," I told him, Seb squeezed my hand again. 

"Of course, I'm not forgetting that promise," Seb smiled. We both walked back to the car as we talked more. 

"Are you working tomorrow?" Seb suddenly asked, I shook my head. 

"No, the garage is closed in the weekends," I told him. 

"Let's have a movie night!" he suddenly said, I looked at him confused, not knowing where that came from. 

"Uh sure!" I smiled at his random thought. We both walked towards the car as I kept on looking at his features. His cute nose, his pink lips, his blue eyes, his fluffy hair. I didn't even notice I was staring until Seb looked at me and smirked. 

"Like what you see?" he asked suddenly. 

"Very, but you should've known that already," I answered him, which made him laugh. 

"I never thought you could be this blunt," Seb admitted. 

"Oh, but you don't even know half of me," I laughed, Seb looked at me, almost the same way I was doing at him before. 

"Thank you for today, it was even better than last time," I told him as we arrived at his car. 

"I had an amazing time too," Seb told me, we both got in the car and he drove towards my apartment. Sebastian parked his car and walked me towards my building. 

"I'll pick you up tomorrow around 5 pm? We can order some pizza, you can stay the night too," Seb told me, I nodded at him and took his hand. 

"Thank you again for today," I smiled as I looked into his ocean-blue eyes. 

"Thank you, it wouldn't have been this much fun without you," Seb told me as he squeezed my hand again. 

"I'm pretty sure a romantic beach walk would be quite lonely if you were alone," I told him, we both laughed a bit at my comment, but we both noticed the tension around us grew. The air felt awkward yet sexual. Neither of us knew how to react to such tension so we stood there awkwardly. 

"So I guess I see you tomorrow?" I told him as I looked up to him. 

"I guess so," he answered, it was obvious he didn't want to go just yet, but I knew if I invited him over things would happen and I wasn't ready for us to do it. I sighed before I made a decision that would change our bond a bit. I stepped towards Seb, I stood on my tiptoes as I placed my lips on his. Firework went off in my stomach, my whole body tingled with electricity, my lips burned against his. Both of our hearts raced as Seb placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, my hands went around his neck. I was the first to pull away, not wanting for this to go any further. Seb smiled down at me as I blushed. 

"Err, I see you tomorrow!" I told him as I let him go. I walked towards my building, but I turned around once I noticed Seb yelled something at me. 

"Bye Mila!" he yelled, he waved at me before he walked off, almost walking into someone while doing so. 

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