Chapter 2

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"Twilight! What happened," Strife asks.

Twilight pants as she comes to a halt by a chair. "I watched her die! Fluttershy died! Her throat was slit and she was hung before I could react!"

"So there is a murderer bent on killing your friends." Strife sighs. "We better save the rest of your friends before they get killed as well."

Twilight nods and gazes down a dark hallway where a familiar singing is audible.

"C'mon everypony! Smile! Smile! Smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine! Sunshine!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight sprints down the dark hallway only to stop four feet from a light source. In the light, Pinkie is sitting in a wooden chair with chains holding her down. She is giggling but her eyes are hidden by her smooth mane. "Pinkie?"

Pinkie looks up to reveal her true feelings. A smile is printed on her face but her eyes show sorrow beyond comprehension. "Twilight," she says as she chokes on tears.

"Pinkie! Whats wrong?" As Twilight takes a step forward, Pinkie shakes. "Pinkie?"

"Please! Don't touch me! I did what you said!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The cupcakes!" Pinkie starts to cry and the tears splash on the concrete floors. "I made the cupcakes like you said! Please just leave me alone! I-I-I just want to be alone!!! You're so... so mean!!! I didn't want to do it!!!"

"Uh oh," a familiar voice echoes. "You told a truth that you promised to keep secret..."

Pinkie's eyes shoot wide open and she starts looking around as if expecting an attack. "N-No! I didn't mean to-! Please! Don't kill me!!!"

"Too late..."

Blood thirsty purple eyes pierced the darkness behind Pinkie and a large blade travelled through the mare's chest. As blood trickled down her fur, Pinkie slowly closed her eyes, tears flowing off her face like a graceful Pegasus. The purple eyes looked at Twilight.

"You're last," the shadow said before vanishing in a flash of purple light.

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