The Crystal Gems

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The girl laying on the ground was a beautiful blue color, her friend green. I stare at them, trying to wrap my head around this.

I was told that the Crystal Gems and I were all that was left, but then I was told about Rose, Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet.

But now there's a 'Lapis' and 'Peri'? I am so confused.

Lapis jumps up off the ground before stumbling into the smaller gem.

"Are you alright?" I ask her. "I-I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm so sorry. Jade's training kicked in, and I just threw you over my shoulder without thinking I hope I didn't hurt you oh my stars what if-"

"Hey, relax. I'm alright. I just tripped over the edge of one of the corn stalks." Lapis looks over at Peri, confusion flitting around her eyes.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Peri asks.

"My name is Stella. Stella Nightwood."

"I'm Peridot, and this one is Lapis. Did you come through the warp pad?"

"Uh, yes ma'am. I did. I didn't know it would take me here though."

Shock, once again, crosses their faces.

"It was you?" Lapis asks. "But how? Only gems are able to activate the warp pads."

"Yeah, about that. I am a gem." I lift up my shirt to reveal my pink pearl.

"You're a Pearl?" Peridot closely studies my gem before looking back up at me. "But you said your name is Stella! Unless..."

Lapis grabs onto Peridot's arm, staring at my gem. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm actually looking for someone. Uh, Rose Quartz and another Pearl? Have you seen them?"

Peridot takes a step back, as if pushed. She frantically look at Lapis, doubtfully.

Lapis stands frozen for a moment before quickly taking my arms and sprouting water wings.

"Hey, what're you doing?" I all but shout.

Peridot jumps onto her back, like it's been practiced, and we soar into the air.

Looking down, I watch as we fly over trees and, soon, a little town. Thank goodness I'm not afraid of heights.

"Where are you taking me?" Tearing my gaze from below, I try to look at Lapis. But she doesn't answer me.

Soon, a beach comes into view and we land on the sand. Without taking her hand off my arm, Lapis tows me to a house that's built into a giant statue, Peridot following behind.

Without knocking, Lapis bursts through the door and throws me to the ground.

"Who's this?" comes a voice from above me. I look up at a tall woman with afro hair. I'm not sure who she's looking at, because of her visors, but I feel like its me. I can feel the weight of her gaze.

Lapis nudges me, and once she has my attention, she folds her arms.

"Tell Garnet your name."

"S-Stella," I answer, my voice shaking with fear.

"Why have you brought a human girl here, Lapis?" Garnet asks.

I look behind her and see a short purple girl. Amethyst, I assume. She's looking between Lapis and Garnet before her eyes finally land on me.

Slowly, she walks over and holds her hand out to me. "Hi, Stella. I'm Amethyst. Let's get you off of the floor."

I grab her hand and stand up, only to have Lapis once again put a hand on my shoulder.

I look back at her and see confusion, slight anger, and most of all, distrust in her eyes.

"Show them," she simply says.

Before I move, a door opens in the back of the house and I freeze when I see who it is.

Pearl walks over, confused as to what was going on. "Garnet, Amethyst? Who's this? What's happening?"

"Stella," Lapis says through gritted teeth, growing impatient. "You need to show them."

I nod, tearing my eyes away from Pearl to the floor beneath my feet.

"Yes ma'am," I whisper and, for the second time that night, I lift my shirt up to reveal my gem.

Silence follows before a shout from above rings throughout the house.

"There's another gem?" A boy's voice brings my attention to an open room above the couch. A young boy, maybe a year younger than I, kneels over the lip of the floor, staring at me.

He quickly gets up and runs down the stairs, stopping in front of me.

I drop my shirt, letting it settle in place, a blush dusting my cheeks. I've never been around another boy. Except for my dad, of course. But that hardly counts.

"My name is Steven, by the way."

"Hello, Steven." I mutter.

"So, you're not a human girl?" Garnet asks. "You're a gem? What are you doing on Earth?"

"I was born here?" I answer, though it comes out sounding more like a question. "My dad and the rest of my family live in the mountains. They, Uh, don't know I'm here."

Once again, silence follows my statement.

"Hold on," Steven utters. "Are you saying you're half gem?"


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