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His mocha colored hair stirred in every direction the slight summer breeze willed it to go, and his aegean blue eyes darted over my face, then up and down my body. He was still in plaid pajama pants and a loose gray hoodie, it had to sat least be noon.
Sallow slipped passed me into the doorway and pulled the blue-eyed boy farther into the house by his hood. "You gonna sit there and just gawk, Blue? or use your words?" He barked out a laugh that burned my cheeks and  stepped back, making room for me in the hallway.
"Nova." I nodded and rolled up the sleeves on my sweater. Even with air conditioning, the heat still stuck to me.
"Blue." He said, inclining his chin and wearing a wicked grin.
"Fire." His smirk grew and his outstretched hand crackled and popped a glorious blue flame, one that burned like his eyes.
Nice to meet ya, Blue. I smirked back and he barked out another laugh, thick and rich like his mocha hair.
Once his laugh was over, he sighed deeply and nudged me towards the living space. "Might as well show you around if you're staying with us."

In the corner of the room a man, probably only a couple years older than me, took up half the coffee table with his lanky limbs. Nothing about him was large except his lips and his height. His skin was dark, perhaps only a shade lighter than the midnight sky, and his eyes shone like the stars that adorned the darkness.
"That's Omondi, but just call him Mondi," Blue says, waving a lazy hand towards the tower of a man. Mondi acknowledges us, looks me up and down, and without a word went back to studying the wall.
Blue started for the stairs, but before he could get any farther I grabbed his wrist. "What does he do?" Again, a wicked smile sneaks onto his face.
"Go ahead, Mondi, show her." Blue slumped against the wall, that crooked grin still on his face. I scowled at him then turned my attention to Mondi.
He loosed a long breath and... just disappeared. His body just... melted... into nothing. I turned towards Blue in utter shock, but he was gone too. I gripped the rail so hard my knuckles turned white.
Blue - or at least where he was - erupted in a fit of laughter and then I heard a thump, along with some choice words as he hit the stairs. Just as they disappeared, Mondi and Blue faded back into view. Blue was leaning against the wall rubbing where his back met with the stairs, and Mondi was still lounging in the same seat, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Although you cannot see us," Mondi's accent was thick, and devastatingly beautiful, "we are still here. You can still touch us, hear, us and for some Vipawa, read us." He tapped his forehead with a long finger. "I simply bend shadows, make people see - or not see."
What does Vipawa mean? As the words slipped into his mind he howled, laughter rumbling deep in his gut.
"Gifted," Was all Mondi managed to choke out, before Blue led me up the stairs, Mondi's deep laughter fading out.

The hallway was a light gray, with cherry wood doors on each side. "That's my room," Blue motioned towards the first door on the right, and didn't even break stride.
"How long have you been here?"
"Eh, about a month, probably." Blue shrugged and leaned up against the wall, and knocked on the first door to the left.
A girl, who couldn't be older than 18, answered the door. Her firey red hair was soaked with water, as well all of her clothes, but instead of the water dripping to the floor, it floated around her in small droplets.
I just stood there, smiling like an idiot, while she turned to Blue and spoke, gentle as a stream, "What do you want?"
"Me?" He dramatically gasped, which only earned him a scowl from the red head. I can only imagine the feud between water and fire. My stay might not be so bad after all. "I would like you, Fen, to meet our new friend, Nova. She reads minds and stuff." It was my turn to scowl at him, and he waved a dismissive hand in return.
Fen extended a hand that I could have sworn was webbed. "Nice to meet you, Nova." Her voice never changed tones, as I smiled and shook her hand.
"Meeting in ten, Fen." Her smile was short lived as Blue pushed off the doorway, in a fit of laughter at his rhyming.
"Good luck with him." Fen growled before the door clicked shut.

The next door we stopped at was identical to the last, except for the dark shadows that clouded the cracks. Blue's playful expression turned into something more serious and gloomy when he knocked once, twice. "Before he answers, his... ability," he stumbled for the word, becoming someone totally different than the Blue I've seen over the past hour. "it's death. The shadows, no one really knows why they're there, I don't even think he knows."
The shadows seemed to flee at our voices, like an animal scurrying towards the bushes. A young, pale kid opens the door, his eyes the color of the sky before it storms, and his hair a white-ish blond.
The only indication of his ability were his hands. They were cold and skinny, and his fingertips had blackened ever-so-slightly, in complete contrast to his hair and eyes.
His ability was death.
"Meeting in ten, Clyde." The boy simply looked at Blue and I with sad eyes and shut the door.

Back in the living room, Blue's demeanor hadn't shifted back into what I assumed was normal, as he sat staring at the clock.
Seven minutes until the meeting.
What the heck happened to that kid. Blue's thoughts were identical to mine. His hands...
Six minutes.
I can only imagine what happened to him. A shudder went down his spine.
Five minutes.
What even is this meeting going to be about? We were recruited to stop a criminal, yet I've been here for a month, Mondi almost three, and no word on where we start.
Three minutes.
I slipped out of Blue's mind, my stomach churning at the thought of him not even knowing.
"I'm curious, too."
One minute.
"Don't do that." His voice was sharp. "Not to me."
At that exact moment, Sallow appeared from a hallway Blue didn't show me, and cleared her throat, "Meeting time."

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