ch. 2 Play your cards right

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    The people who was holding guns up to Jermaines face was a tall black girl who was about his age with short black curly hair and a light skin boy who looked about his age with waves. The girl asks "ok who the hell are you??" The shadowy figure chimes in saying "i dont know but man he stinks" "that's it!" Jermaine said annoyed. He elbowed the figure, grabbed it, and threw it over his shoulder slamming it to the ground. He looks and sees its the old lady from earlier. Distracted the girl kneed Jermaine in the stomach and the boy punched him spun infront of them. Everybody was about to start fighting for real but a voice from a distance shouted "thats enough!!" Lights began to come on to reveal a huge underground hideout with tech everywhere. An older man with sliver hair and cane walks down some steps saying "what did i tell you three about lethal weapons." All three of them hangs their heads down saying "never use lethal weapons unless it was absolutely necessary." "Exactly" the man said "now Cisco get this boys info, Mia'asia get him a ice pack and Izzy put that blade away." Cisco pulls out his phone and uses a red beam from his phone to scan Jermaine's pocket. Mia'asia walks away and come back with an ice pack. The old lady pulls off her mask to reveal a young blonde girl. "What the hell??!" Jermaine said shocked "What you never seen a girl before?" Izzy said "ok ok i want answers now. Cisco?" The old man said. Cisco looks at his phone and read "his name is Jermaine Douglas, 19 years old, hes been arrested for amateur hacking." "Amateur?" Jermaine said "yes amateur" Cisco said "and the reason hes here is to get back what i took from him." Izzy said as she handed thr old man the flashdrive. "Since you borrowed my info i want answers too old man like who are you, why are you down here, and why wont you give me back my flashdrive!" Jermaine said with a tone. The man smirked and said "i guess you deserve some answers but first.." the man drops the flashdrive and stomps on it breaking it. "What did you do that for?!!" Jermaine shouted "just listen ill explain in a minute." The man said "my name is Eric Blake to my right is Cisco Smith our tech specialist, to my left is Mia'asia Benjamin shes our training specialist and she knows 5 different martial arts, the girl near you is Izzy Valentine shes ours master of disguse and top gambler. We're down here in this bunker because hackers do need a base this is our HQ The Hand" "wait youre hackers?" Jermaine asked. "Yea were hackers, this is my team, and im the leader, were the Royal Flush Gang. See Jermaine you have the potential to become a great hacker you just the skill,tech, and sleath to do so. The reason i broke your drive because you can do more than steal info, you can actually make lots of money if you join us." Eric said Jermaine thinks about it for a minute. "We also got cool tech for you." Cisco added in. "Im in" Jermaine said as he shaked Eric's hand. "Alright good from now on your gonna call me king, Mia'asia's Queen, Cisco is Jack, Izzy is Ten and your gonna be the Ace, now welcome to the gang." King said.

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