What's the fuck is going on

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Hunters POV

Josh hunters wolf: Something's not right

Me: *eyes turn black* I know something doesn't feel right and she been in their for to long I know she doesn't have a lot of stuff on how the way they treated her

( A loud bang goes off)

Me: what the fuck was that


Beta Henry: We are under attack and  they have your mate Mariah

Mer: Let's go fucking get her and dear god if someone hurts her im ripping heads off *growls angry*

Brandon: A lot of our men are wounded badly we need to retreat and then come back harder

Me: No fucking way am I leaving my mate with the people who ruined her life *Starts balling fist until the knuckles are white*

Henry: As much as I hate to say it but we have to Hunter it's not gonna look good for our pack

Me: *Yells* FUCK let's go group our men and meet me back at the house and when we get there Im having a meeting with another pack that's willing to help get my mate back

Henry: Yes sir *hangs up*

I drove as fast as I could home to my surprise Brandon my lucky beta was there already had a serious expression and ready for what I had to say I can't believe they have my fucking mate and I said I would keep her safe and I failed at that I don't want to think of the worse but u can't help but feel the thought on how it would be without her by my side I would go crazy on everyone and thats not how a alpha should treat his people in the his pack Brandon snaps me out of my thoughts.

Henry: Hunter are you going to be ok if you want I can call and make the plans on how we should attack and what routes would be good

Me:Yea I'll be fine what we need to do is call our allied packs even if we are the top strongest there's always another pack that could help let's call the Blood Wolves they're top rank close to us

Henry: Ok im on it

As I hear him talk to the alpha I zone out and I start to panic on what could they be doing to her so I contact Josh

Josh: I still can't get to her wolf Ruby it's like something blocking me from contacting her

Me: Shit she has to be ok right they wouldn't dare touch her right

Josh: *saddens tone* They may have beaten her to death but it something's telling me Brittney has something to do with this and it's not good

Hunter: *growls* If I found out this bitch did this to my mate I'm really gonna rip her throat out or even Better torture her to death

Josh: Well I'm going to keep trying so get this plan on the road then faded in the back of my mind

Henry: Alpha the blood wolves have decided to help us and join forces to get your mate back so we our men are healed we can train to get her back as soon as we can

Me:Thanks a lot and I have a feeling Brittney has something to with it

Henry: Maybe she does hate Mariah because she wants you but you don't want her

Me: And I will continue not to want that ugly hoe I swear if she's behind this she just doesn't know what's in for her

Henry: That's right Alpha I'll be there to help now let's figure out what we are gonna do

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