Fan Girls' Pledge

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Are you in love with someone who doesn't even know you exist?

I am. 

And I'm called a fan-girl. 

Willing to love, expecting nothing in exchange.

So, Let's all raise our right hands and ... scroll down a bit.


We Pledge to thee beloved boy band our loyalty, our hearts.

Thy Quotes we shall ever keep even as we depart.

We pledge to hold fast to our hopes, our dreams and desire,

to keep your popularity aglow in every rating's fire.

We Pledge to watch with utmost care,

over every word in an interview or diary's deed.

That they reflect the glory of our dear Fandom creed.

We Pledge the promise of coming days of no Internet connection.

As we leave our computers at home with minimal satisfaction,

trusting in the standards of mobile Internet 

and contentment caused by downloaded e-book fan-fiction.

We Pledge to thrust with utmost perseverance

As we go to your concerts, nearing the entrance.

Praying that you would notice my glittery signboard and high pitched shrieking voice.


Mrs.________________________(his last name)

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