Where Fault Lies.

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The sky has been crying,

Perhaps it misses you, too.

We were not the strokes of

Paint brush on canvas, we

Did not flow in unity;

We were stone and river

and we sank in diversity.

I've never truly seen you.

I look at you and it's like

Looking at a reflection in

A body of water, you're blurred.

You are not a whole, you are pieces

Floating together; you are an illusion.

When I attempt to touch you, capture

Your essence you sift through my fingers,

Are made harder to decipher than before.

My mind was a bubble of all your fabrications,

But reality popped it from it's childlike innocence.

Lost is my mind and how to find it no one knows.

Confused is my soul, how to soothe it, I don't know.

All I know is that you only loved me because you needed

Me, when I needed you because I loved you.

You are  not the galaxy, you are not made up of stars,

Because fault does not lie within them.

Fault lies with us.

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